Mohican's 2015 Season


Well-Known Member
I am so bummed! I walked around the whole place five times trying to find her. I did get to chat with Bog for a while.

This is me on Saturday:

Yesterday I was wearing an orange TGA shirt, orange camo shorts and a big straw gardening hat to shade me from the sun. I also had on my Birkenstocks with socks in honor of Ed Rosenthal.


OK Mo, possibly a dumb question, but which one is you?? :-)


Well-Known Member
90 degrees here today! Keeping the clones inside! Humidity is low so I opened the windows to get rid of the humidity in the room.

ABM! I wanted to keep the mystery alive!

The dreds guy is an amazing performer who was jammin' when I arrived at the cup on Saturday. I threw some seeds up on stage for him. I few hours later I feel a tap on my shoulder and it's him. He wanted to get a pic with me! I am trying to get his name. Anybody know him?

I am out again for a while. I need to rebuild a vacuum cleaner!



Well-Known Member
this is the last round with this cover but i like 6 mil 80% opacity
Thanks CC666. My greenhouse is about 50% so the light goes from 10000 lumens (outside) to 5000 (inside). Its ok to start seeds but I will have to change the roof if I want to grow inside. Your plants look very happy. Thanks for showing. GT


Well-Known Member
do u guys think its possible to grow in the shade through out?!
front of my house gets sun for like 2 hours then its in the back the rest of the day..
would love to grow on my shaded porch.

u guys are so soo soo lucky
yeah. The plant wont get as big unless you have a light to keep in veg mode. Mine get 4 -6 hours of direct sunlight depending on the time of the year. Not having more sunlight. They stay pretty small. At the same time. Half the year its too hot to be in direct sunlight anyway. So they have to be forced vegged anyway get a decent size.