I've heard that as well...all I can say is, I tore the tendon in my right side of my back 4 yrs ago. The pain it caused is indescribable. Granted I've done prolo therapy and am almost back to normal, but the muscle spasms I encountered over the years, the doctor compares to that of child labor. The first nug of pennywise I smoked was like the tin man finally getting some oil lol. It's a perfect mixture of getting the pains and aches away without leaving me in a thc ball of anxiety.
The patients were the real kicker though, being completely honest here I thought I was I going to have a hard time getting my patients to like it...it's just a different twist to cannabis as far as the "buzz" it produces...well they literally went through 4 8 oz plants in a couple weeks. It was all anyone asked for. I feel the cbd enriched cannabis is going to be a game changer in our industry as more patients experience it's medical properties. I'm no stranger to synthetic drugs for pain, I'm not gonna say cbd is like taking a pain killer, but it's ability to kill pain and leave you feeling "clean" is priceless IMO. It will allow many people a choice as to physically addictive pain killers or cbds that allow you to keep control in your life and not near as much harm to the body. I made a choice years ago to control my own life instead of a prescription bottle, and cannabis has helped me immensely through that battle! Much respect for this plant!