Mohican's 2013 Season with Compost, SS, and EWC

Whats up mo how have you been, the more i look at all the dank weed sub is putting out the more i want it in my garden, i have grown cheesequake, ace of spades and plushberry before, but i like to mix it up, but i think im going to start growing all of tga stuff, he really does have some good genetics
Pwankton sent me some gifts from the SF Cup!

I love the Frenchy hash jar! Very cool!!! Thanks kind sir :)

Hi All!

Greenhouse construction goes on slowly (too hot).

Fed the babies some goodies today. Fishy food, Cal/Mag, Micro, Copper, and Silica. Had to drill some holes in the cart for drainage :P

I tossed out a few of the Sativa plants that were small and buggy. A couple more are in quarantine.

The sickly MuMoFB is now a monster and got up potted to a bigger pot (4 gallon?).

Jilly Bean #2 is a confirmed male so I will have some killer pollen :)

The OGs (Scott's and Jesus) are looking very healthy. The Pakistani punch is tight and bushy.

The MulangexMozPoz Bubblegum #1 is a freak - 4-fingered leaves and red stems. #2 looks more like a Malawi plant.

I planted a few clippings in with the onions and covered them with a shade. This is day 3 and they still look like they did when I clipped them :)

Picked a bunch of grapes - yummmmmmmm!

The plumeria clipping is hanging in there and the one in the trashcan is really growing well now. The bare branch that was molested by the earwigs has new leaves sprouting out of it!

I pulled the foliage out of the potato trash can. Tonight I will pour out the soil to see if I have any potatoes!






Freaky Bubblegum:

Jilly Bean #2 Male:

Cuttings under cover:

Scott's OMG:




Open Beta:

Are you going to breed those or tossing the males? If you breed. I'll take some seeds. With those genetics..... those would be dank.
I will probably try some breeding again this year. Once I get my indoor lab going I am hoping to turn around seeds very quickly to try and find a new strain.
Damn love it Mo, your pots in the cart look to be the same I finished the Cataracts in :D. Those things are going to be beast man, looking awesome. Got any ideas for the crosses? It`s the Scotts OG for the pollen right? Looking forward to it Mo, trying to put together a road trip soon to come down and deliver some of my northern Kush genetics for ya ;). Hope all is well otherwise with yourself Mo, ATB,

KC :weed:
I'm not positive that males count, but I would assume so until one of us gets time to evaluate Prop 215/SB 420, I'm sure it probably [doesn't] specify, lol. I know in a few other legal states it doesn't count, but that's all I know. I would assume no, the state does not count them, but that doesn't mean feds don't count them.

Lol, you sure you don't want these plants? I'm thinking of posting some on BudTrader for $75 each. If you uproot them into 15+ gallons you're guaranteed 1/4-1/2lbs.
Thanks Jozikins - I am sure. I am having a hard time deciding which of my plants to keep.

Got the second beam up on the greenhouse:

That greenhouse is going to be effing huge. I'm about to put up a small one on my deck, need it for these November harvest plants.
Got some more parts for the greenhouse. Cement bolts for tying down the footers to the blocks. 5 foot pipes for my pipe clamps so I can clamp the twist out of the beams when I am putting in the crossmembers. Brackets to hold the footer sections together. Some new vice grips so I can temporarily hold bolts in place when I pin the beams.

I raise the wall side of the 2x8 up and drill and pin it into the 2x4 with a bolt and vice grip and then I drill the other end of the beam and pin a 12 foot upright to the end laying across the ground. Then I just walk the beam up to its finished height and add the permanent upright in the curved section. This way all of my beams have the same 10 to 12 foot slope. Now that I have the parts and the weather is nicer I should be able to pop out a beam a day.

I got a very appropriate hat at the farmer's market for making a cash donation:
