Modifing pc fan for Zen's carbon filter


Well-Known Member
I modified an 85 cfm pc fan from radioshack to fit the carbon filter zen built (thanks for the post zen it was helpful) and using it for a small grow cabinet now i am sharing it with everyone else. its my first diy so bare with me im new it this.

this is my fan

your going to need a plastic square grate for lowes or home depot


now cut out the middle to create an opening i used tim snips

next sand it down to make a semi flush fit

no place it on the fan and drill your holes for you screws and spread cocking around it to stop any possible leaks

after all that put it on the fan and screw it down and let it sit till its dry. i let it sit for 1 day

make the filter

when the cocking hardens put the filter on and tape it i used reflective duck tape it all i had, so i impervised

and now your done just screw it in to the box with some long enough screws to go through the grate, the fan, and the box

well thats it for now i hope this is hepful to someone.

leave replies let me know what you think.

Thanks to rollitup community and members. my stealth grow wouldn't be possible without all the information this site has
looks workable, but i wonder how long those "free flow" fans will last thro a filter, i use dust filters for my pc and they sure make the fans work harder, and those are just thin filters too.... :leaf:
lemme know if you could, i'm gonna run those fans everyware in my room for extra air movement, using pc power supplies to run them, got spots i could use them with a filtration setup. also been thinkin of them for my intake's.
so can you feel the airflow through carbon filter? did you account for cfm of intake and outtake to make sure its even?
air is going through the filter jus fine as for the cfm i got 2 80mm pc fans rated at 34 cfm so intake is lower than out already, so by putting the filter on th 85 cfm it probly evened it out
how to you hook up a pc fan so that it works?..are you plugging it into a motherboard or what?

get a 12v charger/adapter from a phone, computer router, or buy one from walmart. now take the pc fan pos. wires and connect them to the pos. wires on the charger/adamper and do the same to the neg wires. Plug the charger in and see of it works of not then swap' em, make sure the wires don't touch. If it works un plug it then e tape it. no ur done
so can you feel the airflow through carbon filter? did you account for cfm of intake and outtake to make sure its even?

If it wasn't I would imagine the extra power of the intake putting pressure into box would help the out-take push through the filter.
the fan is still workin and there is no smell. expect for when i open box then i can smell the plants. So the set up def works
how much intake and exhaust do you have set up because it seems that i have the same set up i just wanna check #'s