Modern Warfare of Battlefield


Well-Known Member
I bought bad company 2 when it first came out and I just couldn't get into it.It had better graphics then modern warfare 2 but it just wasn't as fun.


Well-Known Member
battlefield all the fucking way! bfbc is the superior game, especially for multiplayer. nothing beats it online.
i will probably still got mw3, but il wait for price to go down a tad. gonna pre order battlefield though!
battlefield will smack mw in the balls!


Well-Known Member

lol while I enjoy both BF is so much deeper imo, like more tactics etc, you dont ever see someone in COD die from a collapsing building, you see this happen alot to snipers lurking in damaged buildings lol

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
me too bro, me too. you have everything you need. goldeneye is still a big game on my college campus, rule 1, no oddjob, rule 2 toke before playing. rule 3 no golden gun. rule 4, no screen snooping.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm still playing bf2, tis rocking :) Might be tempted to break the watercooling abck out come BF3 time but i seriously doubt there will be any need whatsoever, games these days just aren't demanding and certainly do not require any of the present high end gear, you can actually buy a pc these days that'll play every game on the market for the same price as a console and controller and such, not to mention you only get a console, not a computer to use for other things. tis gonna be good :) console gamers make me laugh, anyone seen the difference in play between a console version of portal 2 and the pc version? :D amusing as fook.


Well-Known Member
I'm still playing bf2, tis rocking :) Might be tempted to break the watercooling abck out come BF3 time but i seriously doubt there will be any need whatsoever, games these days just aren't demanding and certainly do not require any of the present high end gear, you can actually buy a pc these days that'll play every game on the market for the same price as a console and controller and such, not to mention you only get a console, not a computer to use for other things. tis gonna be good :) console gamers make me laugh, anyone seen the difference in play between a console version of portal 2 and the pc version? :D amusing as fook.
Iv pretty much decided Im gonna buy a PC for BF3, the difference between console and PC is unreal. Ever played Gears of War on Xbox then played it on pc? Its an insane example of how console sucks, but only one of many. The game is like 35% longer and the graphics are better than modern shooters on console.

Problem is, can I still play with my friends on PS3's if Im using PC?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I read reports years back about how they were trying to link ps3 360 and pc multiplayer in together, i've never seen any fruits of these thoughts. Probably an issue of sony and microsofts online portals security and such. Not to mention console gamers would stop buying fps's as they'd get nothing but dicked on.


Well-Known Member
I read reports years back about how they were trying to link ps3 360 and pc multiplayer in together, i've never seen any fruits of these thoughts. Probably an issue of sony and microsofts online portals security and such. Not to mention console gamers would stop buying fps's as they'd get nothing but dicked on.
they can do it. and it even has been done with a couple games. it won't ever really work, console gamers get pwnt when playing head to head against pc players.


Well-Known Member
turtle is right .. although there are some good players on console games.. most pc players are more serious gamers.. probably because of what it takes to make a good gaming pc.. as opposed to kids and adults who just can buy a console and start playing


Well-Known Member
turtle is right .. although there are some good players on console games.. most pc players are more serious gamers.. probably because of what it takes to make a good gaming pc.. as opposed to kids and adults who just can buy a console and start playing
and a dual-analog contorller will never be as accurate or fast as a mouse/keyboard setup.


Well-Known Member
very true.. the thing pc lacks is the ease and simplicity though .. the consoles .. especially xbox live.. is so fluid.. friends are easy to find.. voice chat .. it all works well together. They both have their pro's and con's..thats why I have both :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed, the level of control you have with a mouse vs an analogue stick on a spring, it is not worth argument, i've met concole players who will argue to the ends of the earth that they are equally good at shooting games etc, but you just donl't have the control, you can watch any video on youtube and tell instantly whether it's pc or console. As said, both have pro's and cons, consoles just work (i won't go there but i could hahaha, go sony!) but as i said earlier, it's no longer the days where you have to spend out of your arse for a serious gaming computer. i mean twice the price of the console and you an have yourself a computer capable of playing any game on the market on high settings, and the console owner will still need to go out and buy a pc, so price just isn't an issue these days when comparing to consoles. Shit got cheap :) I'll have to go read up on what they pulled off tinyT, never followed up on it and well noone told me so it can't be real haha


Well-Known Member
It seems like it would be a lot harder to play shooters with the mouse and keyboard but I guess practice makes perfect.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not a chance. With a controller you have 1cm of play in each direction on the sticks, with a mouse you have sensitivity settings dpi settings and as much space as is comfortable to use. It's just not possible to be as accurate and such.

As i say, just youtube a couple of games and watch the difference in gameplay between pc to console, it's black and white.