Good news and bad news...
Good news, PL is now in jars and weighed in at 39.99 grams! Not too bad for an autoflower that started flowering by week 3 and did mostly water except for the last 2 weeks of the grow.
Bad news, she is extremely airy. I would also say this is because water only in crappy soil. The roots were not big, and they were stringy. Also the light was much higher because MD was out growing PL. 100% my fault. She is also EXTREMELY DRY and it's only been 4 days. Because how airy she is, and I didn't realize the velcro started coming off on the partition and light was coming in, she's crispy. Hopefully the cure will bring out some of the moisture. I may get moisture packs to help. Im going to leave her closed for 2 days to see if that helps. GC is much denser than her, so I'm hoping she turns out better.