• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

MMPR Grow op: Small Scale


Active Member
If HC wants 2 years of "nothing" video stored ,our plan is that we will re-enact it with marionettes for them if they ask. (NO PLAN) Suggestions?

Magenta Thumb

Well-Known Member
Suggestion: run the cost calculation and be prepared to spend it. You would not want to be got with your pants down....well....maybe you would, but that's not for me to judge.


Active Member
Hi Magenathumb, is PPS saving all its video for two years? We will do what is required, not plan for the ridiculous. If HC wants ridiculous than HC will get ridiculous, I cannot plan that way on all of these fronts. Common sense first. That is why I was so sarcastic. If I ran the "cost calculation" on all the ridiculous things that HC might want I would be $millions$ short and would have given up already. Are you suggesting that HC does want 2 years of nothing videos, if so, can you tell us why you think so.


Active Member
Just some thoughts.....
How many LP's are there really? Three and a half for sure. Cannimed/PPS, Peace Naturals, and Metrum. But that is only the ones who have authorized HC to put their names on the list. Any others that are under the radar? 300 applications was the last rumor through.
We( husband and I) must be getting close to some communication? Quite the ups and downs with this process, all of them in the dark. You guys are gonna learn a lot about the process when we finally get out of this "lift line".
We are not building new, but remodeling older buildings and trying to get an existing facility passed too. We are farmers and watch our pennies closely. We're going to find out what HC wants to see and is looking for. Yada Yada, security, QA, no, what about carbon filters, enough? Can you use a dehumidifier built for a home in your op, even though it says yada yada, ....."is equipment being used for it's intended purpose"......yada yada. We have a million of the not so obvious questions that come with an existing facility.... should we try to grow through the inspection?, or, have it all empty and perfect, human temps and humidity, fans all still, not a leaf on the white floor.
Part of me wants to try to grow through just to learn about HC, maybe it will distract them from the crude but highly cleanable finish on the concrete walls or the "water wall" where we have all our in and out for multiple water uses. Hydroponic/Swampcoolers/Hot and Cold Sink and Hoses. An awesome mess of practical perfection. "Is there adequate space to" ...... it is tight but functional.
So many questions, few answers. Feeling like we have had it all hung out there a long time, pressure is building with every day, my stuberness is starting to work for me instead of against, follow through, just have to follow through. Stay the coarse...
Chime in with your "little" concerns that there are no real answers to yet... Anybody else have an existing grow they are trying to pass the MMPR? Distract me with a tough MMPR question. We found a third party who will let me use their pupl license #,to do the testing I want done on my mmar marihuana.
Thanks HC for your clear answers and pro active help getting what is in both our interests looked after... NOT!!


Well-Known Member
Here is a questions I have wondered.
What if you don't have your lic by April 1 2014. How will you save your genetics? Or will you start from seed all over again?
If you get your lic befor April, no problem. Just sell them to your company.
Keep up the great posts.


Active Member
Another great, but scary question, and with the speed of HC, a real possibility, even being in the first third of the applications. If your application number is bigger than 120 or so I doubt that it will even be an option.
I guess that seed is the only legal option they left us, come on Conroy!! One personal use grower could save our genetics during the application process.
Just never rolled dice this big before, maybe the process will accelerate as HC gets better at it. Wishful thinking. They probably take three weeks for the holidays, lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't have an app in. Not that I don't want to.
Since you are in some what touch with HC maybe ask them and see what their answer is. Maybe you can get a special permit since you have a app in.
Not hopeful, but worth a try maybe.


Active Member
I will if I have to. In the last month. Just too difficult to get a straight answer from them. Still have fingers crossed.

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been trying to catch up on most of the forum.
I am also looking to submit an app. Current progress:
- in search of building, likely secured one in ontario, around 5000-6000 sq ft. confirming this week.
- completed business plan to approach possible investor to get this off the ground (estimated cost 150k-200k)
- security company determined
- QA tester and someone to perform lab tests/write SOP's determined
- computer hardware/software for label printing/plant management/record keeping/etc determined

My partner attended the greenline academy conference this year, was complimented on his product by ed rosenthal!

My question that i haven't fully figured out is where to acquire your strains once approved, and which ones? All current LP's have re-branded their plants, leaving unknown genetics.
Is this a marketing strategy or should all LP's expect to breed their own custom strains?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, been trying to catch up on most of the forum.
I am also looking to submit an app. Current progress:
- in search of building, likely secured one in ontario, around 5000-6000 sq ft. confirming this week.
- completed business plan to approach possible investor to get this off the ground (estimated cost 150k-200k)
- security company determined
- QA tester and someone to perform lab tests/write SOP's determined
- computer hardware/software for label printing/plant management/record keeping/etc determined

My partner attended the greenline academy conference this year, was complimented on his product by ed rosenthal!

My question that i haven't fully figured out is where to acquire your strains once approved, and which ones? All current LP's have re-branded their plants, leaving unknown genetics.
Is this a marketing strategy or should all LP's expect to breed their own custom strains?
I think it is just a marketing strategy. The current names out there are not overly professional. If you are trying to look like a proper medical producer the new names may seem more professional. That being said, there is always more than one way to skin a cat and there may be room for the old names in the market IMO.


Active Member
I agree with you Kron, lots of room for some heads in this industry, selling RECON, AK47 and GOD BUD for pain and suffering on their website called POT FOR SALE or The Weed Warehouse. I sure hope someone pushes HC that hard, sure would be interesting, and I bet they would sell it to patients just fine, shit, I am thinking about changing our name, better look that up right away. LOL.


New Member
i'm in Alberta as well , with a mmar lic. i can not wait 2 years for harpers ass out and i dont have 22 K a year and i dont want'a to be stuck with the list of three places that mmar has for me to buy my meds. ;(


Well-Known Member
i'm in Alberta as well , with a mmar lic. i can not wait 2 years for harpers ass out and i dont have 22 K a year and i dont want'a to be stuck with the list of three places that mmar has for me to buy my meds. ;(
Hi Medical girl 1966....
You won't get very much support in this thread......this thread is filled with those who have designs on your wallet, already...they want harpie to be successful..lol
though there are plenty of us in the same boat as you.....
welcome to the board


Well-Known Member
i'm in Alberta as well , with a mmar lic. i can not wait 2 years for harpers ass out and i dont have 22 K a year and i dont want'a to be stuck with the list of three places that mmar has for me to buy my meds. ;(
hi there medicalgirl1966 I also am in alberta and have to agree with cannadan this whole web site seems to be gone pro harper I will never give in to their new system of ripping off the sick I could not afford it even if I wanted to. we can only hope for a win in the courts but if we don't win I would choose death rather than support their money grabbing rip off.


Well-Known Member
That's a tad dramatic. This is a MMPR Grow Op thread...
Just throwing out a suggestion, why not start a thread "Hell No" for patients who will not be participating in the mmpr? You can post all thoughts in one thread that would be convenient to share and find. Come up with some ideas and strategy on what to do in the future. Just a thought...
Then this thread would be left to all the terrible evil people who want to pursue the mmpr path, myself included.


Active Member
Pro Harper? Have you read anything Canadan? Try despite Harper. Seems to me that the LP's are the only ones looking for solutions to support patients. How is your whining helping anybody? Where are your solutions? How is the MMPR pro Harper? You think Harper wants to mass produce marihuana? I'm sorry if I interrupted you while you all were crying in your beer, but the bar is closing and Conroy hope is not enough for me, I have to move forward, legally.

Medicalgirl66, we all hear you and feel your frustration. Your post is common and no one here thinks it is fair, right, or just. What I have come to realize though is that the MMAR is on it's deathbed, it will die of suicide by over indulgence. It is digesting itself in an unsustainable cacophony of corruption, Hells Angels and stoned teenagers were but a small part in the litany of problems. It is not coming back, Conroy might win, but the MMAR is not coming back. What Conroy wins might help you and others, and that is why you should support him if you can. Many of us wannabe LP's have donated too.

Spider 9 would choose death rather than get some high quality marihuana from a small/patient run/ LP that supports its community. Hmmm. This site and in particular, this thread is pro marihuana and that is what we should all get from this. Don't shit on people for taking a different path to spreading the good word(bud). I wish there was more legal ways to spread marihuana too, everybody that has posted here that I have read, is in favor of you being able to grow your own medicine.

Maybe we should give up trying to grow cannabis legally, joining canadan and spider9 among others who might fight, but only if they have to, if arrested.

What I believe is that losing our newly discovered voices that we have been provided by the legality of our PUPL's and DPPL's is a loss only second in size to losing our legal self grows. For me, who thinks of herself as outspoken about marihuana, the MMPR is the only way to keep my soapbox legal. Without the license to grow marihuana our voices are muted, I want to speak out as a grower, not a toker.

Soon the only voices that will get heard will be the patients(one voice), the LP's, and HC, and then where do you think the influence will come from? Just need to follow the money. So do you want big pharma calling all the shots? It is time to start differentiating between the LP's, and support the good ones, so that patients, who can't keep their grow as "protest grow", just don't know how to grow, or don't want to support the black market, can still get quality medicine at a fair price.

Money grubbing ripoff? The costs of producing legal marihuana, can now be seen above ground, in the light, no secrets. Maybe you should check it out before you give us those old, used up, proven false, trinkets, found on almost every thread. Marihuana is expensive to grow right. Add responsible security and consumer safety and the means to market it. And the prices will go up, but if you factor in time and new production rules, long term, the prices will drop dramatically as farms get larger and competition blooms.

Not rocket science, just easily ignored by people who just want to keep getting their medicine subsidized, or keep there illegal incomes. I've said it before the MMPR is not your enemy, HC is all our enemy. Blame HC, not LP's, MMPR and MMAR are not connected, the success of one does not mean the death of the other, the patient(MMAR) is on their deathbed already, the legal ways forward are few, lets support all the ways to increase the amount of cannabis there is available to patients.

Quit telling us that we want to rip off the sick, another old trinket, are doctors and nurses ripping off the sick too? They make their living (a good one too) off the sick and dying. Maybe you should mention that to your doctor the next time your getting that closed mind of yours checked out Spider9.
Please, please keep posting your opinions and situations, as a fellow patient, we are all in the same HC sinking boat, the S.S. MMAR. Like rats we our all choosing are escape plans, some are choosing to wait and see, some are jumping ship to the S.S.MMPR, some are choosing to commit suicide (one at least), others are going to sue for it, bravely suing even though the shore is not in site. Goodluck to all of you except the suicide, may you, Spider9, be unsuccessful and end up smoking the best you ever had out of a labelled, legal bottle in a couple years.


Well-Known Member
Hi Medical girl 1966....
You won't get very much support in this thread......this thread is filled with those who have designs on your wallet, already...they want harpie to be successful..lol
though there are plenty of us in the same boat as you.....
welcome to the board
I wonder if you looked at the title of this thread: [h=1]MMPR Grow op: Small Scale I[/h]

If you want to rant and complain, then start your own thread.