Again no disrespect meant Chris, but the "shut the fuck up" was intended for people in general not directly at you. A guy can only be disrespected so long before he snaps.
Hey Itsmehigh...I think you sound like a decent guy on a whole. I 'm sure you and the ole hippy would be blazing blood brothers in no time too. I also feel your sincerity and see that your quite a calm fellow as well. Especially for all the abuse we have been giving you.
It's just that around here there are some of us who are a bit....ah hum....
disgruntled with the LP system and it even existing. I know you get that. I'd say I'd call you one of the boys basically.
I understand your need for employment. I respect those pics as
But other than your want to be need to fear the dark side. Stay here with the boys and tell the wife your a wild dude who needs to grow. Get jah big balls mon. Fuck you know you don't belong there with the enemy. Stay loyal to wildness.
Remember....first we smoke...then there will be no lies between us.
And as far as not selling to others....too shoulda...the peeps need ya too. brother. The brother hood of puffer's needs you as well with those skill you got. Don't be a sell out. You'll regret it and it will be unfair to you. These LP's are doomed by the very folks they think are customers.
Fuck you can not get in bed with the Mon gotta feel shitty on that though eh. I know you love to grow...but I feel to also know you and you also need to be bad and see the LP way as the only way ( wife again ).
Oh..hey's raining out