MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"

maybe the asshat should have been a tad discrete??? a family park burning with non-licensed friends...this guy is why the real patients have to battle all the a license...great...wanna smoke in front of my grandkids, and you'll eat the joint...guys like this make all of our progress regress...medicate, but use common sense, not everyone who agrees with legalization likes to smell the herb, especially when their children are around......I was smokin' herb in Bagdad while this guy was in Dad'sbag...never been busted for herb...yep...thats 40+ years...just my .02 on what I suspect is a bogus license

mojo...maybe a tad harsh...but better to speak directly than "dance" the message
While I agree about not being a D-bag and smoking around children, he said he was in the smokers area. Cigarettes are magnitudes worse then cannabis and kids should be no where near that area.
Patients should be able to medicate where ever they can.
He said he was outside the park away from the general population. Either way arresting him is a bit much.
With all the fukin hoops we have to jump through to get the documentation and then the meds the cops should hold out a lighter for you.
Email a nice professional story explaining the entire ordeal to norml and to all the pot magazines. All the local papers and news stations.
Somone from norml should be able to point you in the direction of a probono lawyer.
Id also call the human right of canada and explain the situation they will open a file for sure.
The more people u can get on your side the better.

no...reread the first post...he was on private property and moved "away" from the busy area, not off the he has pissed the locals off and will be a target...just because you have a license to medicate, doesn't give you the right to impose your will on the general public...but there are some who will "push" the envelope, when we need to simply present the thoughts...

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I gotta admit I shared my meds when I was home.....I had to settle this fucker down...having said that, I have encouraged this person to get legal and I didn't share in a public place but a private home. I also rolled be smoked a big fatty outside of Pearson at 5 am and security didn't blink as I paced back and forth. So discretion is all in your perspective. I feel I was as discreet as I could be in both situations. And before anyone slams me for sharing my meds, remember that if nobody ever shared with you, you wouldn't have ever know the benefits!
While I agree about not being a D-bag and smoking around children, he said he was in the smokers area. Cigarettes are magnitudes worse then cannabis and kids should be no where near that area.

indeed...but tobacco is a legal for public consumption herb, while "our" herb limbo???

best to carry on without drawing attention...I smoke n the car wife drives...I smoke on the lake fishing...most fisherman are tolerant...I never smoke in town, except at a friend's place...I have a ticket to carry a whack more then the new rules allow...I carry what I need for the day...most times I don't carry, as I'm sick and don't get out often...well 'cept the beer/grocery need to medicate on a 20 min run...mebbe the OP could make coconut canna-caps...its my goto med for buzz but works great for my lots of options...unless your goal is to get stoned and ride the choose

No need to re read anything.
He said first he smoked in a smoking section and all was ok. Then outside the park on the hill by the parking lot.....
I find it funny how instead of being supportive most people come on here to find faults and run people down.
Who is anyone to say when and where somone needs to medicate?

Obviously if kids are around then thats different but it sounds like he made an effort to walk away from people to not bother them.....stop acting as though he smoked a bowl on a ride or in te kiddie pool
No need to re read anything.
He said first he smoked in a smoking section and all was ok. Then outside the park on the hill by the parking lot.....
I find it funny how instead of being supportive most people come on here to find faults and run people down.
Who is anyone to say when and where somone needs to medicate?

Obviously if kids are around then thats different but it sounds like he made an effort to walk away from people to not bother them.....stop acting as though he smoked a bowl on a ride or in te kiddie pool

I believe this person is a rec user with a med license...don't know the guy, but did view the vid...again...there are options for inoffensive medication in public...I support our herb...I don't support the folk who use the herb and cry foul when being a have yours...;)))

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Its nothing personal mojo just venting in the wrong place.
I dont know this guy either but if he has had the run around that i have in even getting a licence than i gave him the benefit.

I totally agree that i wouldnt go to a place as public and family friendly in the first place but my issue is more how he was treated and the mmpr not being recognized at all.

This pisses me off because as u stated tobacco is accepted and commonly accepted because its legal.
But where does that line get drawn? I hate the smell of american cigarettes and even cigars worse but who is going to tell those people that they cant do it because i dont like the smell. People will never learn to tolerate it if we all have to hide like we are doing something wrong.
Being out in public as a medical user sucks sometimes.I went to the CNE this year,had to medicate in the car.(i don't have a drivers liscense)One thing i have learned is that concentrates are much easier to smoke and carry.But i am still stressed when i need to medicate away from home.
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Why the hell are you people bitching about being discreet? stupid...

The police didnt know the new federal regulations in regards to medical marijuana and detained a patient. They disregarded his rights and treated him as a criminal. To think some of you believe "should have been discreet, il make ya eat it blah blah" fuck off already, whens the last time you seen someone get handcuffed for taking a shot of insulin? "NEEDLE!!? ARREST THAT MAN! fuck his rights, they dont matter!"

Can we get a verification for this sub forum, maybe a credit card to prove were above 18 :roll: some sure dont act it.
No need to re read anything.
He said first he smoked in a smoking section and all was ok. Then outside the park on the hill by the parking lot.....
I find it funny how instead of being supportive most people come on here to find faults and run people down.
Who is anyone to say when and where somone needs to medicate?

Obviously if kids are around then thats different but it sounds like he made an effort to walk away from people to not bother them.....stop acting as though he smoked a bowl on a ride or in te kiddie pool

the smoking area is for cigarettes! wtf guys, just cause you have a lic, rec or medical, if my kid gets a wiff ill be choked, have some fucking respect for 10+million people who don't like it!
again you were on private property/public park with how many people under 25???? 3/4 of the people there bare kids, weed smells for miles when you smoke it.
think! I don't want to see this but some people don't think!
look at what mojoman just said, ive been smoke for 25 yrs rec user and growing for 18. I don't drive high, I don't take weed out side my safe zone, I don't tell anyone i grow, I respect others 100%, right or wrong. its what you do to stay outta trouble.
do you all actually think this lp, atp, medical, rec marijuana thing is actually excepted by 90% of the population?. we agree it should be but there is still millions who don't like it or are closet smokers and don't need there kids smelling, seeing or asking about it.
this shit pisses me off. this has been braught up before when he first got busted
Sorry you feel that way,me personally don't want to go to jail,not even for an hour.Just do not want or need the hassle..Hate it but what are you going to do...
Its nothing personal mojo just venting in the wrong place.
I dont know this guy either but if he has had the run around that i have in even getting a licence than i gave him the benefit.

I totally agree that i wouldnt go to a place as public and family friendly in the first place but my issue is more how he was treated and the mmpr not being recognized at all.

This pisses me off because as u stated tobacco is accepted and commonly accepted because its legal.
But where does that line get drawn? I hate the smell of american cigarettes and even cigars worse but who is going to tell those people that they cant do it because i dont like the smell. People will never learn to tolerate it if we all have to hide like we are doing something wrong.

I don't area smells of 15 or better 6 ft plants every year for 4 years( my first 2 years were....errr....ummmm....sad would neighbors advise me when a "different" vehicle comes by...perfect example...a neighbor advised me a black early 90's Camaro is parked in the back alley the past few days...skinny driver, heavy-set passenger, and a tag # , made the rounds advising folk the car was tagged and to watch out for it...I knew the folk involved in this deal, and I approached them as if I knew nothing, just the RCMP had the car tagged as per my "agreement with HC and the RCMP for my legal grow" more Camaro or others in the threats...simple fear of being neighbors know my garden/needs...they appreciate I don't sell my medicine...they know we are a very quiet couple with a Lab that thinks she is a Dobe...I am the last thing from hiding, but will use my head...I also use tobacco...I often refrain from smoking simply because the folk I'm with don't smoke....simple

The same people going on about kids smelling it are the same people that think its funny to send their kids or grandkids to get them a beer out of te fridge and find it funny.
So its ok to drink and get drunk around kids. Plus have them watch beer commercials while people smoke cigarettes.
Anything but pot....

If everyone is against pot than why are so many places coming around and changing laws. The fact our government and police arent on the same page is the problem.
also remember when cigs were smoked everywere? well we grew up and realized it stinks, is rude for those who don't smoke it/? everyone smoked at one time in the 70s.
now they have made you stop smoking in public. in bc its a large distance from any busstop, door way or public entrance.
now can you picture all you patients smoking your brains out in a building or busstop or were kids are?
well you cant smoke cigs, what makes you think you can freely smoke weed? cigs are and were way more legal than weed, just cause you have a lic in a grey area, don't give you the right to be rude to others!
The same people going on about kids smelling it are the same people that think its funny to send their kids or grandkids to get them a beer out of te fridge and find it funny.
So its ok to drink and get drunk around kids. Plus have them watch beer commercials while people smoke cigarettes.
Anything but pot....

If everyone is against pot than why are so many places coming around and changing laws. The fact our government and police arent on the same page is the problem.
cigs and booze have been 100% legal for 60+ yrs! with no need for a lic or a medicine thats in a grey area,
accepted by most, wait, when the SC makes a actual rule and sells in stores and has legal bars to smoke and so on, then you have won your argument, until then be discreet
The same people going on about kids smelling it are the same people that think its funny to send their kids or grandkids to get them a beer out of te fridge and find it funny.
So its ok to drink and get drunk around kids. Plus have them watch beer commercials while people smoke cigarettes.
Anything but pot....

If everyone is against pot than why are so many places coming around and changing laws. The fact our government and police arent on the same page is the problem.

I suppose(could be wrong...but the expression "you doth protest too much" comes to mind) you get drunk in front of your kids/grandkids and send them to the fridge for your beer, thats fine, but don't put it on the general public that this is common to all families...never did it kids were in bed before the boys showed up for some fun in the for "everyone is against pot"...grow up dude...its us old fucks that have been in the trenches for forever to educate the for govt' and police...just don't overgrow...again...simple...well...after these few posts' I feel the need to burn some blueberry to back later...grow it green and grow it tall!!!!

The government wasnt feeling super giving and decided to make alcohol legal. It took all the people banding together to make a change. We dont need to be discreet we need to join together to make a difference.
Hiding in your basement to use medicine that has taken decades to even be considered medicine is not progress.
For the record
I dont drink at all.
And i never smoke in public or near any kids.
Most non pot friendly people believe the same things as stephen harper alcohol is ok and even our kids can get alcohol poisoning because its legal.
I wasnt calling anyone a drunk or saying any of u train your kids to fetch beer , but ive seen it a million times.
I too am an old schooler from the front lines but im sick of these same arguements and the last place i ever expected to be reading all this negativity is on here.
The government wasnt feeling super giving and decided to make alcohol legal. It took all the people banding together to make a change. We dont need to be discreet we need to join together to make a difference.
Hiding in your basement to use medicine that has taken decades to even be considered medicine is not progress.
and during thier prohibition, they all drank in mob run clubs, then they got raided and so on, then it was allowed cause of the $$$$$$$$$. now were hiding in clubs and almost legal,and then you will all be charged a lot when its legal. look at the usa legal states. then think. it will not be cheap to buy
Last year i had my roof shingled,couple of days later i caught them trying to break in to my garage (grow area).I called the cops they were fine with everything.To tell you the truth it still gives my wife and i anxiety.i was told by the owner of the company (roofer) i was "to nice" to his workers.So i get the whole discreet thing...if other people smell it only bad things can happen..just my experience