MMJ Meet & Greet


Well-Known Member
Haven't been to one of these in like a year, like September of not this last year, but the year before. It's in a much bigger place and tons more people came. They had comedians on a stage, and bud on the opposite wall. I think they should have turned around the budbar, so that everyone is facing the stage by default. But it was legit, some of the Comedians were good. They usually have bands, they said this was the first time they did comedy. They said there were going to be Easter eggs with up to a G each in them, and they said 5 per person. There were like 100-200ish people in like, and only the first like 20 must have got anything, because at first when I was walking around it was like no one had ever seen any. Then a few vendors and people in the crowd started giving some to people, which was legit. There was SOO much bud there though. Like 8 dispensaries or something and like 20 strains or more. It was legit.bbb.jpgccc.jpgcccc.jpgccccc.jpgcccccc.jpgccccccc.jpgcccccccc.jpgccccccccc.jpgcccccccccc.jpgccccccccccc.jpgcccccccccccc.jpg for extra info about the meet and greet:
The Crowd From last nigh [video=youtube;rZ4wtjvOm54][/video]
Like Do you overuse the word "like" because you like never like get any? Likes? Like! Like like ok I'm like totally done!

Nice to see you are comfortable here in Colorado Trimsacky!
Like Do you overuse the word "like" because you like never like get any? Likes? Like! Like like ok I'm like totally done!

Nice to see you are comfortable here in Colorado Trimsacky!

No "like" is a word used to mean "similar to" or "almost".
Also I found this! I googled infringehappy location like you said and I found this? Explain please? thinbaggy words "I'll post a video update(with mom and sister) later. wink/wink peeps..." What does this mean? You are perverted!