MMJ card



alright. so since my mother knows im growing she insists i try for a card.

i thought about it for a while and while i dont really have any MAJOR medical issues

i do have attention problems....really bad... always have, cant take medication for it because it robs me of my personality and my social life, turning me into a zombie

i also have some mild depression, which i am prescribed Cymbalta but i cant take that either because it just makes me more depressed

i have to smoke weed to do my homework / pay attention in class (which is odd...i find it so much easier to become interested in the subject...was a d student and now im more of a b)

and the pot helps the depression more than anything i have ever experienced

since i started smoking every day i have not had any depression symptoms or feelings

im just really embarrassed to go up to a doctor who prescribes it

any ideas


New Member
look you already got a script for pills and ur right they dont work for you and you tell that to a cannabis specialist which is a doctor that specializes in medical marijuana evaluations and you will get ur recommendation easily provided u live in a MMJ state.


Well-Known Member
I believe if you have a prescription for a medical condition that marijuana can help (pretty sure meds for depression would count) then you can go to a doctor and get your card for that. You basically just should have a prior medical history that would show you could be helped by medical marijuana. I think that's the jist of it, but there are some other people on here that may be able to direct you to specific information that will help you out more, if you're having trouble with your prescription meds for depression etc. then MMJ may be a good alternative and it shouldn't be difficult to get a card with prior medical documentation/a current prescription.


yeah im in california so its legal here

anyone else got any opinions?


Active Member
getting a club card it so easy that it is a joke. where i go all of the patients are in the 18-21 year old age range. none of them are sick. if you got a hundred bucks, then you can get a card. ya just gotta know where to go to get one