mmj card in colorado


Active Member
looking for a doctor in colorado that can help me get a card. i was in a car accident 8 yrs ago and am now suffering from pain in my sholder and head aches. i also have pain in my hand after work . the only problem i havent been to a doctor for the pain and dont have insurance. how should i go about getting a doc to recomenend me?


Well-Known Member
thanks do you know if 8 yrs is too long or is it not an issue
If it anything like Or. what you will need to do is see a regualr DR. and get him to id your pain and document it, tell him how sever the pain is and that it is chronic pain all the time making boo hoo at night. Then go back to your Dr (same guy) and tell him you need better pain killers for the pain that what you have is not working. Now you have 2 visits from same Dr. and documentation on severe and chronic pain, also the reason. Now make appt with clinic, go in see nurse she looks over Dr. notes and will tell you if you qualify or not. Around here we just fax the papers in, and they call in 3 days (THCF clinic) anyways she takes your money, you watch a movie on how to tell the cops NO you can not search my car, and gimmie back my meds, the you see main Dr and he scribbles on paper and sends you on your way a token.:bigjoint:Good for one year then you must see a Dr again and tell them your pain is horrible, then pay a small renewel fee for Green card.


Active Member
If it anything like Or. what you will need to do is see a regualr DR. and get him to id your pain and document it, tell him how sever the pain is and that it is chronic pain all the time making boo hoo at night. Then go back to your Dr (same guy) and tell him you need better pain killers for the pain that what you have is not working. Now you have 2 visits from same Dr. and documentation on severe and chronic pain, also the reason. Now make appt with clinic, go in see nurse she looks over Dr. notes and will tell you if you qualify or not. Around here we just fax the papers in, and they call in 3 days (THCF clinic) anyways she takes your money, you watch a movie on how to tell the cops NO you can not search my car, and gimmie back my meds, the you see main Dr and he scribbles on paper and sends you on your way a token.:bigjoint:Good for one year then you must see a Dr again and tell them your pain is horrible, then pay a small renewel fee for Green card.[/
thanks for the help well work with that


Active Member
You need a diagnosis of Chronic Pain to be on your record within the last 3 years. I have a petient who has a herniated disc and pain for 20 years, however his regular doctor hadn't written the word chronic pain in his file for years. Well his Dr had gotten sick, and this guy was forced to go to a immediate care facility to get some pain killers. The one visit to the Immediate care facility the DR had put the word chronic pain on his chart. This one visit was all that was needed to establish the criteria for him to be allowed to get a reccomendation from a local cannabis friendly Dr.
Send me a PM if ya have any other questions about MMJ in CO


Well-Known Member
what part of CO do you live in? you will need something more current for a DR to look at. PM me if you need a compassionate DR referral, or if you need a 3rd party DR to do a history for you.


Well-Known Member
try i know firsthand that they work. go to your family physician and describe your CHRONIC BACK PAIN to him. get some pills, start some physical therapy, and get some written records of all this. then go to the thcf and the good doctor there will review your case. he will then ask you if you have ever tried cannabis as a treatment. if you are down for it, he will write you a recommendation for medical marijuana. after that you just pay fees, watch a movie about your rights as a patient, and then get your card in the mail. boom, done.


Active Member
farmerbob, you mean to tell that is all i have to do to get a green card is fax my medicals to the clinic, wait on the nurse to call , pay my money and I'm straight ?