MMED Support Badge Question

I got hired at a dispensary back around Valentines day last month, went into the Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division and applied for my badge on Feb. 20th. Nothing to worry about on my record or anything, but was told I would receive my badge within 7-10 business days. Alas nooooo. I called and was told my badge is still pending without any restrictions showing, just that they are awaiting verification from the FBI and that now it could take up to 30 business days from application date.

Questions ::

Has anyone else had to wait this long?
The dispensary originally told me I would have my badge within a week, and now to find out I may not be able to start until April, does anyone know if this is a for sure must have to go work? I mean I have my receipt with badge number on it.

I know! Seriously I saw my badge already they had it that day, but now have to wait on this FBI shit that "apparently" takes weeks to do. The company is pissed because they hired a bunch of people and now no one can start working.
That really lame. The fib check generally doesn't take more than 4 hours from my understanding. And as far as irs check that should be about the same.

Good luck homes
R&R when did you apply for yours?

I spoke with the company I work for and apparently I am not the only one with this issue. Fingers crossed this rectifies itself and it's not the .goverment just delaying the process to screw up the industry.

@homebrew - I know, I used to work with handicap kids and needed to do an FBI check every year with finger prints, send them in and within a few days got an answer back. This is ridiculous. You home-brew beer? Lol another huge past time of mine.
it was on 02/19/2014 I called and left massage with my info they have yet to call me back. And I am a homebrewer as well lol

just not much during the winter

Nope still haven't gotten my badge yet. I call every Monday morning. So far I have been told that the FBI checks are taking 30-45 business days in total, that the FBI has instituted a new computer program which is causing delays, and that my badge is just plain pending. Alas still no badge or expecting time frame to go off of, but going nuts because I want to work hahah.

Nice brew setup, we just tapped our Rye IPA last night and NAILED the recipe, so my plants are about 3 to 4 weeks away from harvest. Beyond them herming a bit, the buds are massive and smell amazing.

You receive or hear anything on yours?
I went in Feb. 19 as well. Called today and was told same thing with fed. I have called twice a week since then. I'm trying to start at an MIP facility and was extremely excited for the opportunity. However my interview was almost a month ago and I have yet to start because you need your badge in hand. The company is busy and I don't know how long they can or will wait for me. Not to mention a months worth of income so far. Beyond that every time I renew my red card they find a way to screw it up. Thanks Colorado!
I went in Feb. 19 as well. Called today and was told same thing with fed. I have called twice a week since then. I'm trying to start at an MIP facility and was extremely excited for the opportunity. However my interview was almost a month ago and I have yet to start because you need your badge in hand. The company is busy and I don't know how long they can or will wait for me. Not to mention a months worth of income so far. Beyond that every time I renew my red card they find a way to screw it up. Thanks Colorado!

Same here, itching to start as I would like to have income and not use my savings.
Ya that's fine and dandy they are backlogged. But don't tell me it will be 10 days when it may take longer. The DMV doesn't screw with my income. I'm waiting to work and had to take out a loan to make bills. Beyond that I went to the DMV this month to renew my registration and was done in 30 min........
Anyway when I called med today the gentleman very unenthusiastically told me i could try and call back next wed. Good luck to you all
Ya that's fine and dandy they are backlogged. But don't tell me it will be 10 days when it may take longer. The DMV doesn't screw with my income. I'm waiting to work and had to take out a loan to make bills. Beyond that I went to the DMV this month to renew my registration and was done in 30 min........

I hope you didnt come out here to get rich in MMJ, unless you are a GM, head grower or an owner you arent gonna make dick for money. The non pot smoking owners and gm's treat smokers like absolute trash in front and behind their backs, and their pay-scale says it all.
Anyway when I called med today the gentleman very unenthusiastically told me i could try and call back next wed. Good luck to you all

Yeah Monday the lady stated the delayed was due to a new software update within the FBI and them, which delayed a few weeks worth of badges. Beyond that I was told "pending".

Having worked in the mental health field with children, we got annual FBI checks...went to a police station and was finger printed, paid them $15, then sent it into the FBI division and within 5 days the company I worked for was given a response, sometimes even sooner depending on delivery of fingerprints. So I am a bit skeptical about the "delay" with all this, as I would assume when you are caring for children with handicaps and providing them medications (most considered controlled substances) that those would take longer than this.