It’s the cops I have a hard time trusting. They see the date, loose there shit and it’s down hill from there. I’m only acmpr because the injunction doesn’t help me.
all I have had to do when being asked is provide the pinks...and I did
,when it came to one of them saying the dates has expired I have just said of course they are,they have been since the start of the mmpr,
so really all it has taken.... is a calm explanation about the differences between MMAR and MMPR and ACMPR. and the knowledge that
only two of the three are still valid. those being MMAR and ACMPR....only dates occurring between those two are now invalid and also the MMAR's that were left outs in the first court case.
The assumption is that the leftouts who still needed meds joined the ACMPR once the MMPR became null and void