MLK gets too much credit.

you also gave your opinion SKy. You agreed and said black women should stop picking the name of their choice to give to their child. OWN IT !!!!!!!

I agreed with the concept of the documentary..yes:wall:

Meltdown commencing In 4, 3, 2 and..what a fucking lunatic..

Jesus Christ..will you get some help please?
You flatter me my friend but it's not how I's how the world feels.

I'm not responsible for the message..just delivered it..too bad you can't handle the TRUTH.

Give @fdd2blk the attention..he loves it.

I can handle the truth. I just don't like it. Anyone who would not hire someone based solely on what their name is, is a weak minded individual. You deliver the message, but you also added your personal opinion and that was for black mothers to stop giving their children certain names. You are promoting this bullshit. Why can you not see that. I'm trying to hold out hope for you. I really hope you meet that awesome black guy in a Bernie shirt, so maybe he can start changing your views.

Right. The truth. That's what you don't like. Just remember that. Black mothers and the names of their children was what the documentary about.

Not me.

Yes, my opinion is that black mothers, white mothers..ALL mothers should consider this when naming their child.

Because my name was so different in its time, I'm speaking to the topic.

I'm entitled to an was the opinion of many mothers that they should have thought past their desire to make their child stand out, they made them stand out in a way that wasn't considered.

I agreed.

Jesus Christ..will you get some help please?

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Its not MY world..its an HBO documentary with REAL black people participating.

Keep your head in sand, black man.
Is HBO real news or fake? The documentary covered the whole world's feelings on "black" names? "Black man keep your head in the sand"? You have a simple mind if you believe this just by my previous post..
Is HBO real news or fake? The documentary covered the whole world's feelings on "black" names? "Black man keep your head in the sand"? You have a simple mind if you believe this just by my previous post..

Watch the documentary for the answers to your questions.

It's your posts that are simple, black man.

It's not me who's ashamed of my race. and sub contractors are not employees therefore affirmative action does not apply.

I dont know how you managed to completely miss the topic of the conversation and land on something totally unrelated.

According to LondonFoggy the playing field has to be unfair so that it is fair.

In reality it is just the government exerting more control over the populace. They enforced people not being able to sit in the front of the bus and then they enforced people being able to sit anywhere on the bus. It is a slave mentality he has and he is only happy wearing a collar.
This is why companies run by racists fail.

They hire the best white person for the job instead of the best person overall.

Trump was hiring the right men, women and minorities for jobs long before it was acceptable. Your comparison fails due to reality.... Wah wah wahhhhhhh...
Watch the documentary for the answers to your questions.

It's your posts that are simple, black man.

It's not me who's ashamed of my race.
If your read my simple post you would see there was only one question about the documentary. I did see doc and already know the answer. My other question was if HBO was real news. I thought it was pretty simple to follow but I guess not for your mind. "Black man"? So simple minded.
Funny part is a good number of peeps here on riu have met me and would find these to be interesting statements.

I dunno WHAT'S up with her where certain subjects are men, black man, race, black girl names, race, black men, black man, 'traditional' names, black man....

Apparently many folks struggle with repression issues. Do you, Schuylaar?


People today seem to want to treat MLK as this messianic figure who all by himself freed the slaves and made them legally equal. If he had all that power idk why he didn't end all the systemic racism, to where even black Presidents.... Oh wait. So he got rid of systemic racism too and this is the only thing he does not get credit for.

King was one of many important figures.

I'll bet many of you have never heard of A. Philip Randolph, or Bayard Rustin. Each of these men were arguably more important. But they don't get any credit. It's a shame.

The hard work, dedication and sacrifice of so many other civil rights pioneers have been washed away by the shadow of MLK.

The holiday should be changed to Civil Rights day where all those men are honored.

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Affirmative action

A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

In 1965 the writer Alex Haley interviewed King for an interview that ran in Playboy Magazine. Haley asks him about an employment program to help "20,000,000 Negroes." After expressing his approval for it, King estimates that such a program would cost $50 billion.

Haley then asks: "Do you feel it's fair to request a multibillion-dollar program of preferential treatment for the Negro, or for any other minority group?"

King: "I do indeed. Can any fair-minded citizen deny that the Negro has been deprived? Few people reflect that for two centuries the Negro was enslaved, and robbed of any wages--potential accrued wealth which would have been the legacy of his descendants. All of America's wealth today could not adequately compensate its Negroes for his centuries of exploitation and humiliation. It is an economic fact that a program such as I propose would certainly cost far less than any computation of two centuries of unpaid wages plus accumulated interest. In any case, I do not intend that this program of economic aid should apply only to the Negro; it should benefit the disadvantaged of all races."

MLK was for affirmative action. you are literally always wrong. hence why you are known as "the unremitting failure".