Mj123 purpz adventure

Every single picture here is stolen from uk420 from the member suburbangrowbroths!

Maryjane123 you are so poor! Don't you feel bad being a wannabe grower with zero skills who needs to ripoff
pics and text from real growers?

Everything was posted on uk420 ages before!

You never grown these PurpleWrecks and you never had the hash you are just nothing!:finger:


Well-Known Member
Every single picture here is stolen from uk420 from the member suburbangrowbroths!

Maryjane123 you are so poor! Don't you feel bad being a wannabe grower with zero skills who needs to ripoff
pics and text from real growers?

Everything was posted on uk420 ages before!

You never grown these PurpleWrecks and you never had the hash you are just nothing!:finger:
hahahahahha what a little child to claim a grow like this as his own
Right BrandonT! The best thing is his link to this topic...:cuss:


For real? You GROW WANK(or even shit) NOT DANK:spew:

If you read all the other posts from Maryjane123 its a mystery to me how anyone belived that this was his grow?:confused:
This is Maryjane123 answer:
Have you just came here to cause trouble? are you bored nd sick of your life lol :wall:!!! hahaha

go away son, come back when ya kno the truth!!

Sick of your lil boi talk..

Thank yo
u :clap:

Theres a good lad
You f***ing Troll!:finger: Suburbangrowbroths are just some of my best friends! Soon i will report everything to other uk420 members and friends of the SGBs!
Better you think about a new nickname for your next account kiddy :-(
Get some propper weed (not you troll wank), roll one up and have some thoughts about you and what kind of grower you are needing to post stolen pics.
And if you still belive yourself that it was your grow than your mentaly very very sick. :wall:

Just poor simply poor.:clap: