Mixing White & Multi Spectrum Chip LEDs to Grow MedMan Silver Skunk BX1


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the props!

If your PP light lacks WHITE diodes then I would add ~ 20% 5000/5700 to your mix
Hit me up with a PP link so I can better help
Really!? hmm interesting *twists mustache*

Here is a link to the light i have which i have two of although one is an older version with Cree instead of the Osram.
Looking at the spectrum's i already have what would you choose to add on a couple BML bar's?



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
What NO 660nm, shocker!;-)................don't need 6500k with all that 4000k, should replace for more 630nm ==== minimize that green gap IMO.
I thought so too, until I saw the Royal Blue 450s in action.

AYK, I am using 5000+3500 ufo 90s= > 4000K.

As soon as I added the 2 BML supplement bars, more of the lower branch leafs started reaching up towards the light, so I think some are needed

BML chose the 625nms for bum the 600- 630nm

Since these lights are on extended loan, I went along

I will have it to finish what I'm growing now + a full grow. By that time who knows what will available

Also I have programmed myself over time to want WHITE only, but it does add quite a bit of green, at the expense of red. Too much? Dunno. We''ll soon see


Well-Known Member
It' a sad day

Anybody need some BIG Mexican pollen?

The early signs are the Big Mexican has balls

Hard to believe as the shape and branching suggests female


Well-Known Member
Yeah, unfortunately

Males tend to show first

Small clumps of coconuts

No calyxes no pistil hairs

The other 2 plants have not shown yet- a good sign

Chopped the BM way back and moved it to the led tent along with 3 clones from the probable female.

Increased light hours to 18. Need to dilute the nutes

Hoping to collect some BM pollen, and freeze it. When the clone has pistils I will pollinate one branch of one clone.

I still have 6 more seeds. However, being BX1, no telling what will show up.

This way I know I will have a decent yield
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, unfortunately

Males tend to show first

Small clumps of coconuts

No calyxes no pistil hairs

The other 2 plants have not shown yet- a good sign

Chopped the BM way back and moved it to the led tent along with 3 clones from the probable female.

Increased light hours to 18. Need to dilute the nutes

Hoping to collect some BM pollen, and freeze it. When the clone has pistils I will pollinate one branch of one clone.

I still have 6 more seeds. However, being BX1, no telling what will show up.

This way I know I will have a decent yield
:cry:...I always get sad when I ve males ...
Once in a grow (with regular seeds ) I had 4 out 4 males ! :cuss:>:( ....
Imagine how it felt,after four weeks of vegging (and waitin' ... )


Well-Known Member
Life sucks sometimes

I was drooling over how many zips I would get off BM

I prefer to germ as many as possible within my constraints.

Out of 6, looks like 2 good size females- 2 males (BM kept for pollen) one that is far behind due to the tip leafs fusing- breeder tells me it's an occasional side effect of this cross. FIMed it, waiting to see what it becomes. As long as I have room for it

The seeds were gifted in exchange for reporting and I was looking for something new

The idea of Blueberry cheese cake is so delicious, but these are Bx1s so anything goes


Well-Known Member
Due to BM (Big Mex) being a male, I chopped him down to size to fit in the led tent, and moved the hopefully female to the hot5 tent. She is the smaller of the 2: the bigger one was there, but behind BM

I took clones from 2 plants. As it turns out the larger is for certain a female (see mag glass for pistils)

Also took some pics of my High Performance Rez

I use a cooler + ice jugs

Note the 2 magnets are in the upper left corner. They are in repulse, but are still attracted to the large nut between them. Must be one hell of an energy field between them

I added the plastic bottle this grow. It works well. Once the nutes get low, I can see it, plus hear a sucking sound when the nute level is lower than part of the pump



Well-Known Member
Since swapping the plants around, not getting the best use of the BML bars in the led tent

The 2 ufos should be fine to get clones to root

Thinking to move them to the hot5 tent as side lighting for now

Also, finished off this batch of V + B, nutes came out to 980, so using it to replace consumed nutes in HP Rez


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit frustrated.

No need to take more pics, just yet

When I do take pics, I will try to remember to turn off the hot5 so we can see how much love the 2 BML light bars are bringing

The probable female that I moved from the led tent upstairs to the hot5 (now hot5 + BML bars) a week ago is taking her sweet Fn time to show me some pistils

No way she's a he, but damn girl, show me some love

The BM (Big Mexican) female has tentacles all over the place. I snapped her top in order to make for more even light between the two plants. She hardly missed a beat, the 8" above the snap turned up to the light over night


Everything is moving along. The BM male has lots of new branching.

The bifurcated female is now ~ 12" with 8 new branches on each stalk
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Well-Known Member
Last night I lowered the on time to below 12hrs, it was at ~ 12.3hrs, which could have been on the high side for the shorter plant

OK, folks, it's official...

We have pistils

The ppm was 1300 (drinking more water), so I dumped the rez

fresh nutes at ~ 650ppm

Will have to keep daily eye on ppms now

Last pic is with 2 BML light bars by themselves


