Mixing super soil with native soil.

Hello all. My girls are three week old beauts ready to be transplanted into their final homes but I have a problem. I have about 140 gallons of some real nice soil less mix that I made myself but there's just simply not enough for the amount of plants I have. A few spots of mine are boggy so regardless I'm gonna need to put those ones in containers (at the least 20 gallons) but in the other spots I want to dig as deep holes as I possibly can and mix the soil less mix in with the native soil and have the plants thrive. Where would be a good place to dig up a shit ton of native soil and incorporate it with my own? What I mean here is that I honestly don't mind hauling native soil around in order to get my plants the absolute best environment they possibly can, you know what I mean? I live in thickly settled forests but where in the forest should I be looking for this soil? I really need tips on this guys - I'd greatly appreciate it as always!

Stay away from soil near evergreens such as pine, spruce, fir etc as this soil will be acidic. Also stay away from red cedar as they have an herbicide in their bark. If By bog you mean a peat bog be aware that peat is notoriously acidic as well.

Deciduous forests should be okay as far as soil. Look for areas near the tree line bordering on a meadow or areas that annuals such as stinging nettle grow. These should do well.

Also, avoid soil with heavy clay and poor drainage or soil that is Sandy with too much drainage.