Mixing Nute For Target EC


Active Member
So here's the question as I'm setting up my Ebb & Flow system:

Tap water is great, nice & soft w/ a background EC of 0.5.

Using Ionic Grow per the recommended concentration gives a total EC of 2.0, less the background of 0.5 for a net EC of 1.5....just about right, as I'm trying to hit and EC of 1.8, less background.

NOW add in the recommended concentration of Cal Mag & the EC total jumps to 2.5, less the background for a net EC of 2.0....just a bit high.

QUESTION: When adjusting the EC of the nute soln., does the grower adjust EC for the nute alone and then add adjuncts, or are we considering the TOTAL EC of the nute soln. taking into account ALL nutes, adjuncts, etc?

(All EC measurements taken w/ Blue Lab Truncheon after temp. stabilization.)
