Mixing Goat Shit wit Miricle grow soil


Active Member
hey ppl... im a young 16 year old dude... jus getting into the growing marijuana seen. i was wondering i have some mircle potting soil which i will be using to plant my weed seeds in and i was wondering if it would be wise for me to mix in alittle fertilizer in the soil. im wondering if it would have any bad effects. cuz i know the micrle grow potting soil already has in things needed by the plants im wondering if the fertilizer might over power the tree wen its growing and kill it or something.... give me alittle advise plz.


Active Member
You are right, miracle grow already has nutes. Skip the goat shit anyway, it might throw the PH of the soil off. Keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
lol... here's another thread for the mods to come kill. I'm pretty sure if you read the agreement when you signed up it said 18+... last time I saw a thread like this people got banned...