I heard if you mix weed and tobac u get sick is this true?
Amen!It'll taste like shit, and why dilute good weed with tobacco?
and it's also quite common to have another toilet which squirts water all over your ass, but wiping is the american wayits pretty common all over to smoke joints that are mixed half and half or to smoke shisha out of a hookah with weed mixed in as well
Spliff means 2 papers rolled together into a long joint, in TexasAround here, a spliff is just weed rolled in a joint in a cone tobaccy
Thanks for the informationit enhances the high somewhat. <I am already pretty fuckin high>
makes the weed last longer. <I have shitloads of weed>
usually people mix about 2 cigs with a gram of weed. <my joints are around 1 gram>
dittoThanks for the information![]()
They used to trip on real tobacco.i like to call it, the peaceherb of the west, meets the peaceherb of the east![]()
I would say that it depends on how much weed you've got. lol