Mix nutes with little water? confused!!


So im thinking about feeding nutrients for the first time soon i am using only flora grow/gloom and it says 1tsp(5ml) per galon of water(mild vegetative growth), but i am only using 1 liter of water. 1 galon is 3.785 liters. (mild vegetative growth) i am not really sure how to measure or convert how much nutrients to use because i am using way less water, thanks.. i am using a small pot because im using a small grow box. thx!!:weed: i must be over thinking this or something lol driving me crazy..


Well-Known Member
First of all, you're in the wrong section - this is for lights, not nutrients.

Secondly, many labels round off and list a dosage for 1G/4L. So you can divide by four.

Third, you should start out 1/2 or even 1/4 strength. So divide even more, or mix 1L and then add in more water to dilute it.

Lastly, there are tons of calculators on the Web for converting measurements - many related to cooking. And learn to work in metric and get measuring aids labeled in metric - calculations are so much easier!
just divide any dose by 3.78 to get the amount you need per liter.
5/3.78=1.3ml so in your example you would need 1.3ml/liter.

might also want to search the company of nutes you use for a website in the uk, they might have charts there in metric.


so i have to use 1/2 of 1.3ml ? so .7 or .6 ml .... is that a joke? it sounds too small is the only reason i asked in the first place, im not a complete idiot i did the math too but number seems so small whatever, i guess ... .7ml per liter for my first feed accordin to wut u guys saying just sounded way to small to me cus ive never done it before..


Well-Known Member
1.25 ml (roughly) per liter would be full strength. You want to start out dilute and work up to full strength. Welcome to the learning process!