Mites in Week 1 Flower... Again!!


Active Member
I don't know why this keeps happening to me!
This is my 2nd grow E&F 12 site Hydro.
I am in week 1 of Flowering and BOOM! there are those buggers.. again!

What's the fastest and best way to just rid of 'em very quickly.
My system waters 5 times daily.
I was thinking of spraying them down with an insect kille rthat has Pyrethrins, However last grow the bugs just came back...
Please give me some ideas.

Is there maybe some solution or chemical to put into the resovoir?


Well-Known Member
I had a buddy that had them real bad and he suffocated the little bastards with CO2. He said it will kill all the adults, and you have to do it again once all the eggs hatch. I have also heard predatory mite work great, but it takes a couple weeks. They only eat spider mites and thier eggs! When all the spider mites and the eggs are gone, they die!


Well-Known Member
AVID or FLOROMITE...will stop them dead in their tracks..avid is expensive...120 buck's for 8 ounce...but it will last life time..nuke the little fookers before they take over..kill kill them NOW....good luck,,,


Well-Known Member
I dont know to much about how to get rid of them.

But the reason your getting them back might be because you didn't clean your room really good. Use a little bleach in a bucket of water, and scrub!

And if you have carpet cover it. While you clean and while you grow, mold and parasites can hide in that shit it's like a breeding ground.:weed:

Shit when i was using my closet i stapled a tarp to the floor :D


Well-Known Member
I have also heard of ppl puttin trashbags over the plants...pupmin it full of CO2 and sealing the bag at the base. Sufficates em!!


Well-Known Member
Vapona strips will work, they'll build up a resistance to it eventually though. IMHO your stuck with them the eggs can last a year. Safer's soap will work but seeing as your doing hydro it would be too difficult to spray it. Predatory mites work but then they die off after they've killed them all.
CO2 is a good solution if your already using it.


Well-Known Member
I found this from Ask ED on High Times Mag...........

Releasing a full container of carbon dioxide into a sealed grow set-up will kill all mites and insects. But, don't be in the room while the CO2 is being released! It would be enough to KILL YOU! I have seen this technique of bringing the CO2 to 10,000 ppm for 15 minutes to kill all pests. You must vent out the CO2 before entering the room. Two applications, five days apart, will kill all mites, pests and their offspring.


Well-Known Member
I have also heard of ppl puttin trashbags over the plants...pupmin it full of CO2 and sealing the bag at the base. Sufficates em!!

Killing the alive spider mites is not too difficult. Its the eggs that give you so much trouble. You kill all the bugs, then the eggs hatch, and youre back where you started. CO2 will not kill unhatched eggs.

I would try neem oil first.


Well-Known Member
Are there any chemicals to put directly into the resovoir to kill them?
don't know about that, I don't do Hydro. There are spray on ones that will do it called systemic insecticides. They enter the sap of the plant so any insect that sucks it out is killed, VERY effective for spider mites as it lasts for weeks to kill hatchlings. The question is do you want to smoke that later ?


Well-Known Member
You can also use a permethrin fogger. Just make sure your HPS/MH lights are off when you do it, and make sure you wipe the bulbs down very well afterwards. Foggers are great in enclosed areas like a closet and WILL take care of your spidermite problem.


New Member
i've not seen anything that doesn't stunt growth except preditor mites. nature's control has 1000 triple threat for around $65 that will work on about 20 12 in. plants good luck


Well-Known Member
You can also use a permethrin fogger. Just make sure your HPS/MH lights are off when you do it, and make sure you wipe the bulbs down very well afterwards. Foggers are great in enclosed areas like a closet and WILL take care of your spidermite problem.

and is it safe to leave the plants in there when using it ? Thanks


Well-Known Member
yea..that should help....the problem people have once they get the little devils keep coming back...avid or floramite..are your two very best products to use to KILL MITES...i havnt noticed any stunting of growth in my plants from using does have a slight odor when first using it..then you come back 12 hours later and you cant smell a thing...i use it once a month or so in veg stage..and once before i put anything into flower..just before...if you want rid of your mite the way to go...i havnt tried the nicotine cig trick..but i would bet it would work pretty good too..and wouldnt hurt your plants either...i have not used floramite either..only the avid..and i can testify to how it works...kills them DEAD straight away..repeat use in about a week..and all gone....


Well-Known Member
This stuff works great and will wipe out flys after just 1 application, also will take care of spidermites in like 2-3 applications. Apply all over leaves and underside, do not let it touch your bare skin as it burns a little. plant do get a little shocked after a application but bounce back quickly. Spray with plain water 2-3 more times after final application just to remove residue. OMRI listed insecticide. My local shop turned me on to this great formula.

Azatrol Insecticide


Active Member
I found this from Ask ED on High Times Mag...........

Releasing a full container of carbon dioxide into a sealed grow set-up will kill all mites and insects. But, don't be in the room while the CO2 is being released! It would be enough to KILL YOU! I have seen this technique of bringing the CO2 to 10,000 ppm for 15 minutes to kill all pests. You must vent out the CO2 before entering the room. Two applications, five days apart, will kill all mites, pests and their offspring.
dude!!! excellent advise!! i use ladybugs through out my whole grow. release maybe 100 a week and cover ur vents and you prolly wont see any bugs take over ur girls... works for me... also you can slow mites hatching by lowering temps 60-70 and lowering humidity below 50%