Mit Romney is a serial killer...


Well-Known Member
I havent watched this yet, but from the few minutes ive seen, it looks informative



Well-Known Member
I don't mind that the rebels did it.

I just wish they would have done it alone.
Because it's just one more blood smeared page of America's history now....
I would have preffered he was tried in the international court ,
I kinda felt at the time this was not going to happen ,
i think he had to many beans to spill......


Well-Known Member
I havent watched this yet, but from the few minutes ive seen, it looks informative

They should have had this British guy on OUR news...

When I was watching the news it just seemed like...

"He isn't signing something again today, so now we're fucking with him this way...We got him now"


Well-Known Member
They should have had this British guy on OUR news...

When I was watching the news it just seemed like...

"He isn't signing something again today, so now we're fucking with him this way...We got him now"
That is why you shouldnt get all your info from american news ;-)

what was this thread about?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure we did SOMETHING to him

He didn't just take down a plane for fun.
If he did, fuck him.

But that DOESN'T warrant us to kill him 20 years later :dunce:

Yes it does and we didnt kill him, why are you arguing about things you obviously know nothing about?


Well-Known Member
Yes it does and we didnt kill him, why are you arguing about things you obviously know nothing about?
No it doesn't :lol:
It warrants arrest and triail :dunce:
Why do you have to comment ignorantly on something that you maybe know a little about?

Why are you coming in at the end of a discussion to be a dick about something that obviously isn't true :dunce:
I just wasn't informed about one time period. The most recent one.
Sorry I wasn't even BORN in 88 :dunce:


Well-Known Member
that is so ironic, since you have no idea about libya, the taliban, al-qaeda, etc.
Learn then pontificate, not the other way around


Well-Known Member
that is so ironic, since you have no idea about libya, the taliban, al-qaeda, etc.
Learn then pontificate, not the other way around
Why do you think I give a shit what you say?

Because I don't. :D :D

You never say ANYTHING. Just snideness.


Well-Known Member
And you never use ANY information to back up the snide remarks.

You just expect them to be effective on their own, blindly...:lol:
Like Buck :D :lol: :lol: :lol: