Mit Romney is a serial killer...

Steve French

Well-Known Member
What the fuck is this shit about America leaving them with no way to feed themselves? Those countries were in Desert Storm for their own interests. Not because of some American bribe, a promise of war spoils or food (though I get the strong suspicion that you are referring to the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq but are just confused. And also wrong about the US leaving them guns and no way to feed themselves). Libya was the only one of the countries you mentioned that the US bombed. Libya also has fuck all to do with Al-Qaeda. The plane being blown out of the sky by Gaddafi that Luger187 referred to occured in 1988. You know, 22 years before this No Fly Zone that you claim incurred the incident. Al-Qaeda is not this humanitarian organisation you think it is. They don't feed the people, all the profits they make go to buying weapons and furthering their plans for terrorist attacks. They in no way opened banks, ranches, and general stores. Unless you are getting confused again and referring to the Taliban, who did those things yes, but only for their own profit. They also starved, raped, and murdered their own peoples.


Well-Known Member
^thank you steve french, thats what I meant.
And you should get an education, in religion, politics, history, that way you dont sound so ignorant finshaggy


Well-Known Member
^thank you steve french, thats what I meant.
And you should get an education, in religion, politics, history, that way you dont sound so ignorant finshaggy
Because everyone definitely thought I was ignorant when I explained my faith, right? :dunce:
Go read your thread again :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well were we shooting down his planes?

I'm not saying it was right of him, but it wasn't unwarranted in his situation.
We weren't at war, but we were using strategies that we would on a country we were at war with.
What did we THINK was going to happen?
He was just going to be like "Ok, if I can't fly, I give up."
are you on drugs or something?

Steve French

Well-Known Member
are you on drugs or something?
Yeah, he seems to think that Gaddafi shot that plane down in 1988 because the US shot some of his planes down in 2011. Gaddafi is in fact, a time traveler.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he seems to think that Gaddafi shot that plane down in 1988 because the US shot some of his planes down in 2011. Gaddafi is in fact, a time traveler.
I didn't read the year.

I just saw that it was a commercial plane, and replied.

Just post the parts you want me to read here, instead of just a link.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure we did SOMETHING to him

He didn't just take down a plane for fun.
If he did, fuck him.

But that DOESN'T warrant us to kill him 20 years later :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I admit he should not have died the way he did , but what did you expect really ?
When he was caught by the rebels , he said to 1 of them "what have i done to you"
I guess the guy's didnt have all day !!


Well-Known Member
Read up on the history of Libya and US relations
He's dead now though...
And the main point of all this was the war in the Middle East, not Libya alone...So it's not even necessary.

If we were having such big problems with Libya, they should have told us about all that BEFORE the news starting airing all the bullshit we were doing there.
Or at least DURING.

I watched TONS of the Libya coverage, (Not 24/7) and they never said it was for what he did in the past.

Everything was relevant to CURRENT events...


Well-Known Member
I admit he should not have died the way he did , but what did you expect really ?
When he was caught by the rebels , he said to 1 of them "what have i done to you"
I guess the guy's didnt have all day !!
I don't mind that the rebels did it.

I just wish they would have done it alone.
Because it's just one more blood smeared page of America's history now....