misty leafs


Well-Known Member
Jk! I would check under the leaf and all leaves for pests. Don’t spray anything on the leaves under lighting. Monitor new growth. If it’s isolated to one leaf and the new growth is coming in healthy I wouldnt worry.
tbh i have another plant that's near it but in a different tent and it has the same things. i was thinking of starting another grow, should I wait till this problem is cleared up?
what do I need to do to get rid of them? i was gonna cut off the affected leaves and clean the area, ik spinosad was suggested but one of the plants is flowering so I don't know if I should use it

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
How far into flower?

Look thru their stuff


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you can use in flowering or not, but I had good luck with Captain Jacks dead bug. Works very well for Thrips.


Well-Known Member
Captain Jack's Dead Bug Brew is Spinosad. It works very well, but I wouldn't use it in flower for anything. Spinosad has failed a lot of testing for folks. I'd try neem oil or citric acid every other day for 10-14 days. You need consistency to get rid of insect pests once they're situated in your grow.
the thing is I am worried about using any pesticides since it's in flowering. I heard some people use ladybirds, will this work? or should I just use some sort of pesticides?