Mist Burn


So I'm pretty sure this is what caused it, i sprayed my plant with a spray bottle that can spray mist. Well next day when I look at my plants, they are dry and burnt.

Only on 4 of the leaves. The first two sets of fans leaves.

The second set isn't affected as bad as the first set.

What should i do?

Here is pics.



Oh and the first set which is burned the most, is still reacting to light and whatnot. So it's still alive. Just burnt and crispy.


Well-Known Member
misting usually leaves whats known as sunspots and this kind of burn usually isnt as bad as yours

have you fed any nutrients or is your soil loaded with them?


I haven't fed any, but it's miracle gro organic choice potting mix with perlite mixed in. prolly like a 3(soil) to 1(perlite) mix. It's been fine up until i sprayed them, and i did it like twice before i noticed burns. and it's only on those four leaves.


Active Member
I haven't fed any, but it's miracle gro organic choice potting mix with perlite mixed in. prolly like a 3(soil) to 1(perlite) mix. It's been fine up until i sprayed them, and i did it like twice before i noticed burns. and it's only on those four leaves.
I mist all the time with the garden hose and never have problems. This could be from when you watered with fertilizer and some might of splashed on the leaf. You could of got burnt from the lights, but they would have to be very close and a high wattage. I have 400w for Veg and I hose them down all the time and never once had burnt leaves from that.


I misted them, and there about 2 - 3 inches away from 150watts worth of cfl's. Its healthy and growing good again though, no other signs of stress.

And I don't feed her, just water.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I don't think you're going to get refractory burn using CFL's, so I'd rule that out.
It looks like Nute burn - I think your MG soil is too hot for this stage of growth.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Definitely a toxicity... Not much you can do.. Leach
the soil, but then the soil is nutrientless and you
might as well be doing hydro at that point.


Well shit if that is the case, what do i do? :/
flush them, then wait and see if it turns around. I run 6 t8's in my veg room. they dont put off any real heat. My plants can grow into them for days and not burn. I mist things here and there or apply neem oil and have never had burn from it. The lights simlply dont get hot enough or put off intense enough light.

I grow using MGOC as well. I have never had a seedling burn using it. I start in party cups though and probably have all the nutes washed out by the time i move up to gallon pots due to the size of the container.