Mission 6 - Outdoor MONSTER Grow!!!!!!!!!!

Wheres lil miss been at?


Just been busy building my little strawbale house! yep! strawbale! was invented by americans! LOL

gotta make an outdoor kitchen

an working on a wall to bring the patio up level...

gotta chase around after my 2 year old master of chaos n destruction!

now I gotta go lift really BIG rocks!

so ther ya go! a busy lil life!

...... an when z tha road trip side-lining off towards the south of spain? coz feeling rather Left-Out! .........

Just been busy building my little strawbale house! yep! strawbale! was invented by americans! LOL

gotta make an outdoor kitchen

an working on a wall to bring the patio up level...

gotta chase around after my 2 year old master of chaos n destruction!

now I gotta go lift really BIG rocks!

so ther ya go! a busy lil life!

...... an when z tha road trip side-lining off towards the south of spain? coz feeling rather Left-Out! .........

Glad you back
Outdoor kitchen.....sounds like some good eats already :):):)

Yes! Can't wait!

I'm gonna go Ninja-On-My-Kitchen! Lasagña! & Chocolate Cake! & Homemade Pizza....... mmmmmmmmm

I'm reallyyyyyyyy good at making CarrotCake!

Basically Imma Cake-Girl! LOL yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm or a Muffin-Chick! Luv Muffins! or a Cookie-Monster! Luvvvvv COOKIES!

mmm munchiezzzzzzzzzzzzz....

(scurrying off to cupboard............ )

How did you know carrot cake was my favorite?....thats it, im comin to visit ;) aww, now i want to make a carrot cake :( id do it today but im covered in road rash from playing too hard in the dirt yesterday. Everything hurts to move. I just got up for a second and it reminded me why i should not be moving right now lol id kill for a piece of home made carrot cake right now....and some vaseline. :):):)
hmm. havent tried asshole yet, ill give it a go. never thought of juicing pumpkins. will definitely have to give it a go!
I have a friend who's REALLY into 'Harry On The Potter'

They Drank Pumpkin Juice in the Movie. So he made some, Tricked me into Drinking some. I Wanted to Puke but it made me feel really good once it Settled.. And don't make more than you plan on drinking that same day. Because the smell goes Bad After that.

That's all I have on the Asshole Juice :D
bahaha. there was a tosh.o episode. he asks dude "are you a boob or an ass man?" replies "ass man" he goes "yeah thats good, but when you grow up like me youll learn its all about the beav." bahahahahaha. sorry little miss for dirtying up your thread. boys will be boys