MISSING LEAF? is it now a mutant?


Well-Known Member
LOL i just noticed i been asking a bunch of questions lately
WHATEVA. anyways so this is one of the two slow ones i
got. all in all im growing 12 plants, the other ones are like
394893483x bigger than these ones so i decided to put them
in a different room. now i checked on them this morning and
i noticed, one of the plants is missing a LEAF! will it be affected?

by the way, look at the brown spots!! whats happening? i'm
treating these 2 plants normal, like the other ones so im
confused as how these ones are fucked up lol by the way its
not yellow, thats just the lighting, its really a dark green

and she is now 29 days, SLOW I KNOW LOL fuckin eh



Active Member
genetics and also maybe a bit of transplant shock that made the plant mutate slightly. don't worry once it gets older it will start growing more leaves.

also maybe u need more light. stick a cfl right on top of it

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
I have had snow whites do the same thing, They were clones and once back in veg state started pushing out 1 blade leafs then changed to leaf's like your ones.
After a few weeks it stopped and new leafs were normal, 5,7,9 blades.

I say it's no problem!



Well-Known Member
its small enough to be spared any way right? grow it out see what happens. you will gain experiance from this if anything else shows up like this lol its prolly going to be ok though.


Active Member
i also noticed that clones taken form these plants will show the same trait as they root and begin to grow new shoots. after a few weeks they start growing more leaves.


Active Member
genetics and also maybe a bit of transplant shock that made the plant mutate slightly. don't worry once it gets older it will start growing more leaves.

also maybe u need more light. stick a cfl right on top of it

one of mine is doing the same thing. When transplanting I remember ripping the roots in one of the plants because the dirt came apart (carelessness). I believe its the same one that did this funky leaf thing.