Mis-Measured Nutes


Active Member
I have been feeding my plants nutes for about 4 weeks, I'm on the 3rd week of buding and just relized I have been overdosing on Tiger Bloom using 2 tbl spoons instead of tsp per gallon of water, I started at 1/2 tbl and worked up also using open sesame and big bloom at there recommended per the feeding chart from fox farm. I mixed 5 gallons of water 10 tbls tiger bloom and 5 tbls big bloom on the watering before last with no open sesame, I dont' really see any problems yet, my question is how long would it before I really notice that I have overdosed them.

I gave them alot of straight water running through the pot the best I could the last watering to make sure.

Here's the link to my journal page with my latest photo's. Feel free to post here or my journal all replys + rep.



Well-Known Member
If you really had zipped the plants, you would have noticed right away.

Just feed water for a week and then go back to the correct nute schedule.



Well-Known Member
If it's not burning you are probably OK, I have used fox farm and wish I had dosed them more at the end when I harvested, the bud was OK but not great...JR

just make sure you get good run off and keep going


Active Member
Yeah I just was really noided about over dosing them to much. They seemed to take it like champs though, I updated some new pictures on my journal. I noticed a lil leaf burn on the ends and some edges of the leaves but its not wide spread.

You think I would have learned my lession when I made salsa and made the tbs tbps mistake, but what can ya do.


Active Member
Yeah I think I burnt them, now we are a few days later and I'm seeing the onset, did another flush, hopefully that will correct the problem here are some pictures of how it started off on the leaves.
