Miracle Grow?


Active Member
is MG bad. i read that its PH is 5.0 but other than that would it be good for growing in? and if so how would a increase the PH a little bit b.c i already bought 2 bags of MG now im useing it lol so please any help would be nice


Well-Known Member
I used miracle grow once , it worked ok but i had to keep adjusting the PH , its fine , us hould look into fox farm nutrients they seem to work the best, order online or if you have a hydroponics store in ur area u can find it there.


Well-Known Member
I used it once before and my plant died. Not sure if it was related to that but it died. I just use reg old potting soil now, but I DO stand by the MG plant food. Mix it with your water and presto! Now that stuff works for me. Alot of people trash the MG soil but I have heard some people say it works fine for them. I wouldn't replant yours, just be carefull to watch them and don't use any other fert along with the soil. Who knows you might have a good grow.


Active Member
what would i use to adjust my PH? cause i dont have a meter :( lol also im ganna be useing cfl's and im planting 6 superdank seeds. will cfls mixed with the MG still leave me with a yeild of dank?


Well-Known Member
you be able to tell if theres a problem with the PH untill you get a meter or you see the leaves turning yellow or witling etc, you say it says the ph is 5.0 ? 5.0 should be fine for now , eventually you will probably need to add Magnesium and Nitrogen to the mix , atleast this is the prob i got , I needed to add Magnesium , if your leafs start to yellow , look online at the problem chart with plants , just google , "nutrient diffiencies marijuana" and you should find a chart describing the symptoms with pics , then adjust from there , if you do get magnesium diffiency just buy epsom salts at your local CVS , Wallmart , etc and mix in a TBSP per gallon of water .. How many CFL's do you have ?


Active Member
nah i dont have pics. and no sorry im only use a 60-90 watt setup but here is my problem. i have to grow inside of a plastic trunk that is 1 and 1/2 feet tall and 5 feet wide. so im ganna have to grow the plants in bushes. will this work? also i only plan on growing like 3 plants.


Well-Known Member
nah i dont have pics. and no sorry im only use a 60-90 watt setup but here is my problem. i have to grow inside of a plastic trunk that is 1 and 1/2 feet tall and 5 feet wide. so im ganna have to grow the plants in bushes. will this work? also i only plan on growing like 3 plants.
hmmm , I think it;s possible , 1 1/2 ft so really one ft once you put the lights in for growing space then , its suggested to start flowering at one ft , but you can flower by the 5/ 6th node , since its 5 feet wide id shove as many cfls as you can in there , you know the curly ones not the tubes, and hope that your plants dont want to stretch cause they will want too if you dont have enough light , can you flip it up and make it so its 1 1/2 ft wide and 5 ft tall ?


Well-Known Member
lol it could work, but it will look a bit weird if your going into the bushes at all times of the day over and over again. and youd have to get a strain like lowrider and go from seedling straight to 12/12 light, and if its a small trunk you may only get a small amount using lowrider if you only have a couple plants, but yeah it could work.


Active Member
hahaha i supose i could lol but that would look sort of odd in my room. but for 3 plants how many watts of cfls should i use? i also have the inside lined with reflector shields. and will i have to put the light above the plants?


New Member
I have read so many bad things about Miracle grow but I have often used it and ALWAYS had great results. I have also used 'Presidents Choice-Magic Soil - and it works great also.

I get huge plants and always have way more of a crop than expected.
I just make sure I use big pots and let them dry out between watering.
Their leaves stay healthy and green right 'till the very end.


Well-Known Member
The main problem with mg soil is that people don't realise that its packed with nutes already,slow release nutes that is so when they then pour more high strength nutes into it they burn their plants.
If your using mg soil only use half strength nutes:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
natmoon hit the nail right on the head. I am using MG soil and in the 7th week of flowering. It is ok, but I went and bought Ocean Forest for the next go around. I have had alot of problems with ph levels in the MG soil. I cant even use nutes (and I use botinacare pro bloom (all organic)) with out having problems. I am now using distilled water and molasses once a week; and that is the only way I can keep the ph in check. Like I said, next go around, FF Ocean Forest.