Highlanders cave
Well-Known Member
I will put my 2 cents in on this grow,
MG is essentially nitrates and phosphates, both are SUPER fucking powerful nutes and when used correctly are UnBEATABLE, thats not a challenge its a fact, Ammonium nitrate (the main ingredient in MG) is the single most powerful Nitrogen supplement in use today, and potassium Phosphate is along the same lines of potency. Now that being said useing MG exclusively causes your plants to only want nitrates and phosphates and your plants will die without them, its like heroin for plants.
Now MG clearly states what it has in it....but most nute company's dont, and they use dummy words to cover up their use of nitrates and phosphates so dont buy into the price hype, every single nute company on the market has at minimum a 250% price markup at the shelf, some companys (advanced is one) have a 500% markup.
I am not advocating the use of MG because of the binding agents they use can and are toxic, but you can save your self 1000s of dollars by just buying ammonium phosphate, potassium phosphate and blood meal teas and your plants will grow like a motherfucker if you get your mix perfect.
Hey Backwoods thanks for the info I like it. It's basically what this thread is all about in the long run, besides learning a ton it's to get away from over priced soil and nutes.
Keep it coming!
....oh and did you mean ammonium nitrate in your last paragragh and also where would you recommend buying these amendments?