Miracle grow,rust spots, curling


Active Member
i need help,4 week old w.widow,lst,4" ,2 x65w veg cfl lights 24/0,miracle grow soil(pre fertilized),liquid seaweed evry second watering.................these babys were healthy with new leaves,lush green,good smell,ony 4 days ago ....now ,my problem,rust spots on bottom leaves near edges,go crisp then break of when touched but these fan leaves are a good colour otherwise ,new leaves curling down and in but a good colour otherwise........i have pruned off the fan leaves right down at the closest part to the stem,have flushed the soil with ph7 water,fan running so the closet around 22'c,back to 1 x65w .............its a shot in the dark......anybodys suggestions appreciated.........sorry no pictures


Well-Known Member
Having the same exact problem s.dog.Are you growing in soil or hydro?????My girls are in soil and @ 6 or 7 weeks ago started seeing that shit on my plants.It could one of two things.......Over fert or hard water.Try flushing w/distilled H2O.I agree w/40acres,dont use any nutes if you already have soil w/nutes in it.For my plants,I made the same mistake as you did .My soil "Happy frog" has nutes already in it,but i still procedded to add more organic nutes and thats when some of my many problems came to life.Remember if your water is "hard" it will cause your soil to go up higher in its PH(alkaline) & will block out the absorbation of Z,FE,ME,which will cause other problems in the future.....If you are growing Hydro,Sorry i cant help you.....Easy cutting off your fan leaves,youyr plant needs them to eat & to keep cool.Rule of thumb for me is to only remove what is needed.If only half of the leaf is crispy remove only that part.I hope this helps you.Good Luck Luke


Active Member
yeah,its soil,they are stunted from the flush but ill give them a week....or do you think less to see if they recover.......its the first grow so im not put off by this :blsmoke:....thanks for the advice and more is always welcome..........:peace::hump:


Well-Known Member
Thats funny,this is my 1st indoor grow myself,I'm having lots of fun,eventhough I'm having more problems than I thought i would.Yes,s'times after a flush your plants will droop a little bit,but should recover w/in a week.(mine do)Dont add anymore nutes for a while.You most probably have plenty still in your soil,even after yor flush.Your plants symptons are also mine.Let me ask you this question @ your water?Can u taste the "metals" (the nastyness) when u drink your tap water???If so,I would stop using it.After mis-diagnosing my plants problems many times came to conclusion that my H2O was to blame & over nuting.Start using distilled or "RO"water to flush & water your girls & you might want to stop using seaweed for a while.Once I stopped using my tap water,my girls started to look & feel better.and remember that if you use "RO" water your going to have to add some FE,MN,Z to the RO H2O.The reverse osmossis process removes those nutes from the water.

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
S.Dog, you can use Miracle Grow with no additional nutrients all the way through flowering.
This NYCD flowered all the way through the 5th week with no additional nutes; it got crystals at 3 weeks.

If you are using tapwater, let it sit out for a few days so all the chlorine will evaporate.

Hope your plant gets better :)



New Member
yeah, miracle grow is alot stronger than people think. It will give you massive burn if you try to fert alot while using it. And muddy is so right about leaving the tap watwer out, I should have said something earlier.


Active Member
it must have been the liquid seaweed,cause ive been using spring water thats ph 7 straight from the bottle,pitty cause they smelled so good before,and were lush green,well at least i know the seeds are good,maybe theyll recover,ive put back on the 2nd 65w cfl ,and the soil is staring to dry on top,they look like sh1t,i nearly trashed them a while ago,i will start germinating another two seeds.....so if they dont wake up and put out ,there not living with me anymore......bitches,theres plenty more to take their place:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I use bottled water. Just get a 5 gallon jug from walmart or if in diffrent country try some large outlet. Anyways fill up at the local supermarket or collect rain water. I am in the desert so the water collection is not an option. I have changed to using shultz seedling soil. It absorbs better. Sphagnum, vermiculite, and something else is in it. It really rocks. I get nute burn when I add too much. That's why I only water with nute every 4th watering. It should go like this. Nute/water, water, water, nute/water. This is the suggestion from my B.C grow chemical instructions. Works well so far. Hope I helped some.


Well-Known Member
I made the mistake of adding nutes to Miracle grow soil and burned the tips of the leaves. I second the others' opinion that you don't need to add nutes to Miracle Grow soil. Took two good flushes before it stopped browning the leaves. Good luck with ur grow!


Well-Known Member
Use soils with no nutes., that way you control feeding. It's easier to work up to the right
amount of food than it is to screw around trying to save your babies. AHHH SAVE THE BABIES :o :o


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you need calcium or magnesium which should have been added to the soil at a rate of 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of mix.


mg has feed for 6 moon just cos in flower doesnt mean give her load of big bud and all that dont feed if she dont need it hydro shop rip off product mg will go all the way on own hit with pk1314 at week 5 then flaush last two week