Miracle Grow Potting Soil


Well-Known Member
Im on my first grow also. Im not using MG soil again. The MG soil I got was organic soil, but it had HOT spots in it. I did not add anything to it either. If anyone chooses to go with MG make sure you mix in extra perlite and mix it well. I since re-poted and switched to better soil and my babies are looking awesome.

From asking around MG is not good to start your plants with. It can cause leaves to become distorted and burn when starting out.

Good luck


Active Member
Just wondering if i could get any expert advice..im getting closer and closer to the flowering cycle, and im still clueless on how to fertilize...i just know i am going to purchase the fox farm 3 pack liquid fertilizers...because im using miracle potting soil i could avoid fertilizing in the vegetative stage..i just need to know the correct dosages and such i need to use with the 3 pack in the flowering cycle......HELPP!! :confused:


Active Member
Well ive decided on a fertilizing schedule, and im going to buy the big bloom and tiger bloom, and use 25 % of the reccomended dosage until i flush...i guess i will fertilize every other 7 days??? Can anybody give me a YAY or NAY on this schedule?? this link is th soil schedule of which i will be using 25% of the dosages of big bloom and tiger bloom http://www.foxfarmfertilizer.com/soilfeed.pdf


Active Member
Anybody at all, every day brings me closer to having to fertilize....just need some opinions or facts or something on my schedule i posted


Well-Known Member
i use MG in 5 gallon buckets. about 1-2" river rock in bottom..i add about 15% more perlite to the soil and transplant when ready. i've had no issues with MG other than some bags are "hotter" than others when purchased weeks apart.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if i could get any expert advice..im getting closer and closer to the flowering cycle, and im still clueless on how to fertilize...i just know i am going to purchase the fox farm 3 pack liquid fertilizers...because im using miracle potting soil i could avoid fertilizing in the vegetative stage..i just need to know the correct dosages and such i need to use with the 3 pack in the flowering cycle......HELPP!! :confused:
I use FF, but i use FFOF soil, i would be very carefull adding any ferts to your MG soil. The pack will come with a chart, follow the chart but lower your doses. Start with a 1/4 strength and see how it goes. Becarefull, no telling howmuch nutes your soil still holds.

The thing with MG is every time you water it releases ferts. The more you water the easier it is to burn the plants.


Active Member
k well i guess i will try and keep the watering to a minimum during the flowering stage..and use 1/4 strength of the tiger bloom and big bloom per gallon...every 7 days...that sound good?


Well-Known Member
I dunno if thats gonna be good, but you'll find out. Just keep watching your plants and see how they respond, make sure you PH correctly. I dunno if MG soil is PH stable, that might be another thing to watch for.

My first grow was in MG and it came out ok, even after burning them bad. I do think that FF nutes work best with FF soil.


Well-Known Member
my seedlings seem to be growing mighty slow. its my first grow so i guess my patience is a little inpatient. i have a 400 watt mh light source about 16 inches and my temps are staying at 83. i cant seem to get it any lower. can this be affecting my seedlings life. i grew the same seeds outside and they grew like crazy. its been about 1 week since i dropped my seeds in the dirt and they are about one inch tall.is this normal?


Well-Known Member
papi i use ionic soil it is a complete fert that almost never needs ph-adjust and works very well be very careful adding to nutes to mg soil im sure its packed full with tons of nitrogen which will BURN your shit if anything try to find a fert that is 0% nitrogen most boost formulas have only k and p i would suggest going slow and seeing how it affects the plants

hope that helps


Active Member
My first grow was in MG potting soil and did not like it . I had some problems with the PH levels, I Guess my MG soil did not contain limestone witch controls The PH levels, My plants went sick aftrer 3 weeks vegging, i think low PH locked out all the nutes.(did not have the PH reader at the time) I had to flush it, plus got some PH regulators, and after that it went well. got 4 females out of 6 plants. My Second grow was in SCOTTS soil and never had a problem with it went fine all the way.


Well-Known Member
My first grow was in MG potting soil and did not like it . I had some problems with the PH levels, I Guess my MG soil did not contain limestone witch controls The PH levels, My plants went sick aftrer 3 weeks vegging, i think low PH locked out all the nutes.(did not have the PH reader at the time) I had to flush it, plus got some PH regulators, and after that it went well. got 4 females out of 6 plants. My Second grow was in SCOTTS soil and never had a problem with it went fine all the way.
I've come to the same conclusion. My plants are six weeks into flower and at about the fourth week I noticed they were starting to show what appeared to be a nitrogen deficiency. Being the noob I am, this is only my 2nd grow, I simply gave them some nitrogen and waited. Well yesterday I tested PH, which is what I should have done two weeks back, and found I had a PH of 5! I've flushed with PH adjusted water and now it's just a waiting game. My buds are still growing and one of my plants has a cola thats so heavy that it's leaning over due to the weight so while I'm sure I ended up hurting my yeild I can still be happy about my 2nd grow.

After two grows where I've had serious issues with MG soil I've learned my lesson and will never touch it again. I just hit my local hydro store and picked up Fox Farms Ocean Forest and next paycheck I'll be getting a tri-pack of Fox Farm nutes. I already can't wait until my next grow. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I've come to the same conclusion. My plants are six weeks into flower and at about the fourth week I noticed they were starting to show what appeared to be a nitrogen deficiency. Being the noob I am, this is only my 2nd grow, I simply gave them some nitrogen and waited. Well yesterday I tested PH, which is what I should have done two weeks back, and found I had a PH of 5! I've flushed with PH adjusted water and now it's just a waiting game. My buds are still growing and one of my plants has a cola thats so heavy that it's leaning over due to the weight so while I'm sure I ended up hurting my yeild I can still be happy about my 2nd grow.

After two grows where I've had serious issues with MG soil I've learned my lesson and will never touch it again. I just hit my local hydro store and picked up Fox Farms Ocean Forest and next paycheck I'll be getting a tri-pack of Fox Farm nutes. I already can't wait until my next grow. :weed:

I always give my flowering plants some N during week 3 and 4 of flower. The FF chart will even tell you to.

You'll love the results with FF, i also use the supplement Cha Ching in the last 4 weeks of flower.

Id show you a pic of a plant in MG and in FF but last time i did i caught alot of flac from the MG growers.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Id show you a pic of a plant in MG and in FF but last time i did i caught alot of flac from the MG growers.:bigjoint:
Now you've got me wanting to see the pic. I say post it anyways! :-P

I should have just went to my hydro shop to get FFOF to begin with. I was paranoid about going to a shop that exists primarily for growing weed. Especially considering where I live growing can carry MMS's. It turned out not being as big as a deal as I made it out be though. I'm naturally a paranoid person to begin with though. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Ok, ill post it, both plants under the same 600w light vegged the same time 3 weeks from clone. One on the left is in MG soil with time release ferts and the one on the right is in FFOF and gets FF nutes. The reason this happend was i ran out of FFOF and found a bag of the MG soil in the garage. The plant in FFOF is not topped, that just happend.

Anywayz, nothing against MG or MG growers, the stuff just dont work for me.



Active Member
well im entering week 4 of the grow, and i went out of town for 2 days but my buddy i live with still watered them for me....but when i get back, they look to have grown a bit, but the leaves are really droopy right now...what might be the cause of this and how can i fix it??


Well-Known Member
well im entering week 4 of the grow, and i went out of town for 2 days but my buddy i live with still watered them for me....but when i get back, they look to have grown a bit, but the leaves are really droopy right now...what might be the cause of this and how can i fix it??

Take a pic.


Active Member
k, i ended up just raisin the light a little and changin to watering schedule up a tad and they are doing fine now... my tallest plant sits around 11 inches after 4 weeks and a couple days, the others 7 are sitting around 7 to 8 inches...if i flower when they are all around 12 and get 5 females or so...what kind of yield could i be looking at?


Active Member
so all my plants are doing really well, just this one bagseed has some yellow leafs on the bottom 2 or 3 nodes....once it gets a little larger in flowering...will it be okay to snip these limbs off..if so how do i go about doing the cuttings...