Miracle Gro, Not Going to Add Any Extra Nutrients, Is It Okay?


Active Member
I got a bag of Miracle Gro for the plants. But I've been reading on here that Miracle Gro uses time release nutrients, which can hurt the plants.

So I plan on not using any other nutrients to keep the pH level down.

Is this okay?

mookie brown

Active Member
I got a bag of Miracle Gro for the plants. But I've been reading on here that Miracle Gro uses time release nutrients, which can hurt the plants.

So I plan on not using any other nutrients to keep the pH level down.

Is this okay?
Is this a bag that you just purchased ? or is this a bag you had laying around already ?

If you can return you should. I would take it back & get yourself the miracle grow organics choice potting mix in the brown bag. That's the miracle grow I use & it works great for mj. If it is a bag you had laying around but never opened & if you got it from lowes or homedepot they will take it back for store credit.

I never worry about ph when using the organics choice potting mix. Good luck !!


Active Member
Alot of people suggest not to use it. I used it and have gotten excellent progress. Check out my grow in my signature.




Well-Known Member
I've had good success with MG soils, and have learned some intricacies along the way.

The MG pre-ferted soils will support an MJ plant for a month under an HID, say 250W or better. More light = less time without additional ferts. At that point, you probably will need to start adding a grow formula to complete vegging and support stretch. The pre-added ferts will not take you start-to-finish, but you're on the right track to not add anything early on.

Water thoroughly every time you water. People cry "don't water cuz you'll release too many nutes!" Wrongola... You need to water thoroughly to keep the water-nutrient balance right, and to move salts down thru the soil and out of the pot. Letting a pre-ferted soil get dry is a sure formula for burnt plants. Water correctly, and you'll never have to worry about burn or pH in an MG soil. My current pots have been running for 4 months; pH is still dead-on at 6.5.

Finally, MG Organic is good soil too, but you need to add perlite for loft. It's kinda dense right out of the bag.

Good luck. Check my grow link if you want to see what MG can do.


Well-Known Member
I'll second MG Organic. I'm an organic gardener, this stuff is the first time MG has impressed me. I've used it to kick-start a beneficial micro-organism culture with good results too.

The watering and perlite advice mentioned above is spot on. I like to mix in about 25% perlite, this affords me about 3-5 days between watering. Keep those micro-organisms in the soil alive (by not letting 'em dry out) and they'll take good care of your girls' roots.

One more tip: I like to put a 1/2 inch layer of sand as the top layer in my pots. I find MG organic attracts insects very well, as an organic gardener this doesn't bother me I actually see it as a good thing, but the sand will prevent fungas gnats from taking hold.


If growing indoors use the continous release the time release is for outdoors and 30 days after planting to add additional nutes says on the bag,but I have not added anything for veg and they did fine,added some organics to the soil for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I used the MG pre-ferted soil and had good results.
Check this plant out, she was grown in nothing but MG and no nutes... just tap water let to air out... CFLs too!

I had to harvest about 1.5 weeks early for security reasons..



Well-Known Member
I yielded just under a zip... from only 2 42 Watt CFLs and 2 26 Watt CFLs..

That was my first grow, this is the setup... it was pretty ghetto.. but it worked. ;)



Well-Known Member
wait.. your tellin me..... that u got all that from just miracle grow time relese soil?
- u dident do anything else extra? add nutes.. co2.. etc...
- how many lumens in all do you think?
- what klinda miracle grow soil did u use?

I have a 150w hps... itrs got about 3 months on the bulb and ballest... its a all in one inclosed ballest light....ballest built in..
I use miracle grow 6 month time relese...i plan to add no extra nutes...
- How many plants could i fit under it?
- How much could i pull off with say...2 females? ...backing soda n vingerr for ph....

Brick Top

New Member
Is this a bag that you just purchased ? or is this a bag you had laying around already ?

If you can return you should. I would take it back & get yourself the miracle grow organics choice potting mix in the brown bag. That's the miracle grow I use & it works great for mj. If it is a bag you had laying around but never opened & if you got it from lowes or homedepot they will take it back for store credit.

I never worry about ph when using the organics choice potting mix. Good luck !!

It has 3 months of slow release ferts too.

The Overview

  • Delivers twice the growth of ordinary potting soil naturally! Contains both starting and slow-release fertilizer which feeds for up to 3 months.

Available sizes:

  • 8 qt, 16 qt., and 32 qt.


Well-Known Member
It has 3 months of slow release ferts too.

The Overview

  • Delivers twice the growth of ordinary potting soil naturally! Contains both starting and slow-release fertilizer which feeds for up to 3 months.

Available sizes:

  • 8 qt, 16 qt., and 32 qt.

Is that what i need? reed mine right above u