Minor stomach problems after smoking


It seems that after I smoke, I sometimes get indigestion, might even feel some food coming up. Not sure why this happens at all, but considering I'm one of those vomit pussies who hasn't thrown up in 10 years, it kinda sucks. It doesn't really ruin the high or anything, just an annoyance. I'll tend to focus more on that then I should at times though. There have been times where I've actually felt sick too, but part of that was probably anxiety since at the time I had been smoking after a friend who had the stomach bug (didn't tell me till after lmao) What's weird is that after it goes away, I get ridiculously hungry. I've noticed I'm drinking water like every time this has happened, but I can't imagine that's related. I know marijuana isn't to blame as much as the act of smoking. Also, most times I smoke now is an hour or so after I get outta the gym, so maybe I should consider vaping for a bit? Any input would be cool.

Also, this doesn't happen in the morning or daytime regardless of how much water/food I've consumed, which is very strange. Maybe my body just doesn't like smoking after I've been in the gym, but it doesn't even happen with ciggs (which I've quit by now). Perhaps coughing even a little bit from the weed/possible bloating from the water since I take sips between hits is causing this


Confirmed the problem last night. Felt this sour stomach prior to smoking actually. It seems that my friends chair is horribly broken which can agitate the stomach while it is full. Drinking water in this state can cause the bloating that I experience. The smoking, actually helps when this happens, just not instintaneously (sp?) anyway redundant thread at this point


Well-Known Member
Confirmed the problem last night. Felt this sour stomach prior to smoking actually. It seems that my friends chair is horribly broken which can agitate the stomach while it is full. Drinking water in this state can cause the bloating that I experience. The smoking, actually helps when this happens, just not instintaneously (sp?) anyway redundant thread at this point
Stomach aids confirmed. Run away!!!!!


It's not uncommon for certain postures to cause indigstion or acid reflux, that is why it's unwise to lay down after eating.
There's no use explaining this, this is the reason and that's all that matters ;)


Well-Known Member
It's not uncommon for certain postures to cause indigstion or acid reflux, that is why it's unwise to lay down after eating.
There's no use explaining this, this is the reason and that's all that matters ;)
Ok man, keep telling yourself that. It's prob a punishment from god or something else spooky and supernatural. You ever heard of belly goblins?