Minor leaf damage, nutrient, and topping questions


This is my first indoor grow and I'm very much want to get this right.

As you can see from the pics, there is some minor damage on a couple of the leaves which I suspect is from heat or low humidity.There are no signs of any pests. I'm running a 400W HPS in an air-cooled reflector. Temps with the light on range from 78 - 82F and humidity is from 20 - 30%Rh with a humidifier going full tilt (I live in the high desert). Should I worry about this?

Another question: Are these still considered seedlings? I'm trying to judge nutrient requirements. I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow 3-2-4. PPMs are at 600. Ph at 5.8. I'm trying to follow the manufacurer's feed chart which shows increasing nute levels going from seedling to veg, but I'm not sure where I should be. From reading forum postings, it seems to me that experienced gardeners tend to judge nutrient levels by leaf color. Advice would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also wondering when I can begin topping. I'm limited to four flowering plants so I want them to be bushy.


