Minnesota medicinal

seamore green

Active Member
After googleing for a while I can't seem to find much on the status of mn as far as medicinal marijuana. I found that Pawlenty denied it 2010. I also found a potential bill that allows growing only for export to mmj states. Anyone seen or heard anything about mn mmj recently?


Active Member
Yea this is a stupid effort, why the hell would anybody want to buy minnesota green when they could could skip the shipping costs and do it there? besides it doesntsay who gets to grow this stuff. republitards of mn looking to create more govt business.

seamore green

Active Member
Yea I didn't see much sense behind it either. Dayton will allow it if the law enforcement is comfortable with it. How can we make them comfortable without them getting defensive about "drugs"?


I'm from Minnesota, Pawlenty has actually vetoed MMJ bill twice! I'ts funny how people elect a politician and then he doesn't listen to them... twice. Dayton has pretty much said he's flat out against it. They are trying to push it through again though. Also a new chapter of NORML has opened up in Minnesota.


Active Member
unfortunately we are not in liberal times right now. People voted bachmann and erickson in for some jaded miguided reason, makes the next four years seem dark


pawlenty suck my balls! he vetoed you even after you got clear thru the mn legislature. do not trust your board of pharmacy. they have been handed our iowa plan by one of you who trusts them too much and they promptly tried to get the mn legislature to make it impossible to reschedule there... by saying stop us before we can do something right... stick with our friend Carl Olsen and you will not go wrong. I talk to him lots of times and he's sort of grouchy as hell, but he is one smart man and you can trust him.

I met Carl when we both appeared before the Iowa Board of Pharmacy. We were trying to figgure out which one of us made the other one hotter haa

do not tell your goverment oinks what you are going to be doing next Minnesotta! they are no better than ours and we have clel baudler the public alzheimers patient running arround california faking a pot buy. jeeze he is totally embarrasing!

Remember! all of you Remember! Schedule has Nothing to do with access!

get the re schedule done then come after access or you are toast here in the midwest. I just advocated before little musolini gov tery bransted, whose kids smoke pot with my kids... and he was hating for me telling him corn is bad for the ethanol plants when we should be feeding them with marijuana.

did you see that great thread on tankless water heaters as CO2 generators? super job!

peace and grace