MiniTrees first grow! 600 Watts, in a search for a pound!


I'm really impressed that i had to ask a question;on one of your post you said you pruned,do you mean by topping again or just trimming some fan leaves, thanks


Well-Known Member
first grow???c'mon are you sure??looks like you know your way around a cannabis plant too me....respect!
lol, well I helped a friend who was just messing around and had a plant in the window for like 3 months. He didn't know what to do with it so that's when I started researching and found him a 400 Watt HPS. This is my first real grow from start to finish on my own though.

I'm really impressed that i had to ask a question;on one of your post you said you pruned,do you mean by topping again or just trimming some fan leaves, thanks
I pruned the first the first two nodes completly off and then trimmed up each branch, starting from the main cola, apx. 3 shoots. If you look at some of my pictures of under my plant you can see where I pruned.


Thank You for the kind words...:razz:

Mblaze IS one of the TRUE Masters of RIU...

I am so thankful to him and everyone on this site...:clap::clap::clap:

Not trees... as FUN as they are... I cannot justify the cost of vegging so long...:o

My Zero Veg SOG produces top quality buds at 25% to 35% CHEAPER, because of the HID veg time involved with trees......

I just veg moms with cheasy fluorescents... and the 2400w in the flower room are ALWAYS at 12/12...

Much cheaper, even if the plant count is high...:shock::weed::shock:

If not more... you did a GREAT JOB filling your space...

I was truly AMAZED.!!!:clap::clap:

I can totally see that you READ and knew what you were going to do beforehand...:clap: KUDOS for that!!!!!:hump::clap::clap::clap:
Thanks! Very true on how trees do take longer, but it's a trade off for having low plant numbers. If plant number wasn't an issue for me I'd do a vertical grow with three shelves!!


Well-Known Member
So the girls got the axe today, literally, I couldn't cut through them with the pruining scissors or a steak knife very easily. Here are some pics of them in the process of drying. I only cut off the big sun leaves. I'm going to trim them in 8 days and then put them into 1 gallon jars.



Well-Known Member

I would think you want to trim NOW, while the leaves are still green and "sticking out"...

I have waited before and did not enjoy trimming crispy leaves that had drooped onto the buds... I think a much better job can be done while FRESH...

But like everything else this is a matter of opinion...:razz:

May I ask why you prefer to trim after drying?


Well-Known Member

I would think you want to trim NOW, while the leaves are still green and "sticking out"...

I have waited before and did not enjoy trimming crispy leaves that had drooped onto the buds... I think a much better job can be done while FRESH...

But like everything else this is a matter of opinion...:razz:

May I ask why you prefer to trim after drying?
Well when I helped a friend cure his we trimmed them real nice before he dried, but they ended up smelling like grass. I was really worried about that happening to me, so I read through a bunch of threads for a couple day and found an article that really made sense to me and made me feel confident that my buds would smell amazing. I just figured i'd rather spend a little extra time trimming than have bud that smells bad :/

Drying is the most key part of the whole smell and flavor department,
not flush.

Smell and flavor are related to the chloraphyl in the plant matter, while
the harshness, and burning of the throat and lungs is described when
smoking herb which hasn't been flushed properly.

You need to allow all of the chloraphyl to release while drying, but the problem
is that chloraphyl is only released and a certain rate, which is much slower
than water is allowed to release,you must allow adequate time to dry, and
the humidity needs to be around 35-45%, this allows the buds to stay moist
long enough to allow the chloraphyl to escape. It should take around 8 days
for the stem between the buds to be dry enough to snap when bent.

Do not cut up individual branches when harvesting and hanging, this
allows the moisture to escape too quickly!

Do not trim the buds of their leaves before they are completely dried,
this also allows moisture to escape. Also this is KEY for the curing process,
a properly dried bud will smell MAGNIFICENT right after it is done being
trimmed. Trimming allows the terpenes to really expose themselves and
this causes excess moisture within the leaves and buds to allow the bud
to "sweat" and this is needs to happen right before the buds are jarred,
if you do this before you dry them, what happens to the terpenes? They are
released in to the air and dissipate, you need to do this before you jar them
and then the buds sit and bask in their own dankness..... This is how the
curing process begins. The dispenseries here in boulder buy my meds the
same day that I trim them because they smell as if they have already been
cured, but really, they were dried properly.


Well-Known Member
That "grass smell" is not really the smell of grass...:razz: it is the smell of the chlorophyll braking down... that is why hay and dead grass smell similar...:lol:

You get rid of that in your buds by NOT QUICK DRYING and with a long CURE...

Trimming has nothing to do with it...:razz:

But of course that is just what I believe...

Do as you like.. you have definitely earned it..:clap:

But since I like to remove EVERY BIT of leaf with small scissors... I prefer to do it while the leaves are sticking out.. making it easi to reach them at the base of the stem...

My buds are 99% meat.. very little leaf...:weed:

But I am sure anyway you do it, if you cure it right, you will have some fine tasting DANK...:clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
Did yo notice that the guy said his humidity is VERY LOW...

Then SURE!!! you do not want a quick dry... so keeping the leaves help retain some moisture... and thus helps taste.. but by preventing a quick dry in a harsh environment... nothing else..

In a more "normal" setting say... 50% RH.. you do not need to slow down the process... it will happen slow enough...:razz:

Did that make any sense? that I think about it
thats just my experience, here in colorado it is dry as hell, no moisture,
0-5% humidity, so i gotta keep my shit real humid and leaving the plant
whole helps.
But if you're in a humid environment, you gotta chop that
shit up or else it could mold!


Well-Known Member
Did yo notice that the guy said his humidity is VERY LOW...

Then SURE!!! you do not want a quick dry... so keeping the leaves help retain some moisture... and thus helps taste.. but by preventing a quick dry in a harsh environment... nothing else..

In a more "normal" setting say... 50% RH.. you do not need to slow down the process... it will happen slow enough...:razz:

Did that make any sense?
Yeah I did read that and was wondering if I should do it this way or not, because my humidity is at 55% in the room right now. Do you cut your buds off of the main stem and hang them all up individually?


Well-Known Member
My drying closet is kept at 50% RH (fresh buds always raise it for a bit) and heated to 65F, with constant but very gentle airflow... no fans POINTED at the buds... 5 days and the stem snaps but does not break..

I like to cure my weed a little on the chewey side... so I gotta watch like a hawk for mold at first... but I like the slow dry and long cure taste and smoothness...

If I raise my closet temp to 75F, I can jar them in 48 hours... but that is too quick of a dry, in my opinion...

Here is how I dry my buds...:razz: same as Mblaze by the way...:weed:



Well-Known Member
No trying to tell you what to do...

But if it was me... regardless of buds on stem or not...(separate buds are just easier to hold and trim)... i would trim now...

As much as you can anyways... after they droop it gets kinda hard, so you might wanna wait for them to dry then...

I do not think it will matter much either way... Just watch it closely...:razz:

Please understand that I am not saying you did anything wrong... just that I would do different...:lol:

In the end... ALWAYS go with what YOU know...:razz:


Well-Known Member
And if you do decide to trim now.. and do not want to deal with the droopiness...


You can fresh cut the bottom of the stem and stick them in a "emergency flusher" (another thing I picked up from Mblaze) .. basically just a bubbler bucket... and you stick the stem in the water...

Like a cloner almost...

Mblaze flushes his plants like this for 3 days before trimming...:razz:

As for the flushing, I hear a lot of people say to flush for 1-2 weeks as I used to do but I have found a better way to flush that takes less time.
If you use this 'Emergency Flush' method then it only takes 3 days so you can still give your plants nutes it needs in the last few weeks to help increase yield.

This is how the Emergency flush is done:

I use this method all the time now and it works great.
