Mininum Flooding


Active Member
Spring storms are one the way. So power loss around my area is a given. Most of the time it's a couple hours sometimes it can be days with out juice. I can flood and drain my system manually if need be. I was just curious how many floods I should shoot for? Say 24 hour day... I've only ran reciruclating and DWC systems so I have no exp with ebb n flo.

In a perfect world I'd get a inverter with cache of batts...



Active Member
What medium are you using? Mediums that retain a lot of water don't need frequent watering. I use rockwool and only need to water twice for 15 minutes. My mother plant is a mix of both rockwool slab with hydroton underneath with a fair amount of roots mixed into the hydroton so I water her 3 times. I'd start low rather than high - say 1-2 times for 15 minutes a piece (2-3 times for hydroton or mediums like it).