minimum size reservoir for 4'x4' flood table


Well-Known Member
I recently purchased a botanicare 4x4 flood table and was wondering the minimum size reservoir needed to accommodate it. Im going to be using coco and circle pots. Flood and drain type of grow. Any experienced users of 4x4 flood tables, would love to hear your experience with 20, 25, 40 gallon reservoirs. I would like to get a reservoir with a low profile to give me maximum height with the plants to play with.

That's completely dependant on how high you set your overflow. Most people use 30-50 gallons though. But if you're trying to go smaller, you can, just put your overflow very low.
Height you wish to flood in the tray (H) x Width of the tray (W) x Length of the tray (L). Convert feet into inches. Then multiply the cubic inches by 0.0043 to convert it into gallons.
So for example your 4x4 to flood to 5" would be 48x48x5x0.0043=49.5 gallons
I am setting up a 3x3 flood table and using a homedepot 38gal hdx tote for a res. They have a 55gal one but it has a higher profile.
36x36x6x0.0043=33.4 gal if i want to flood 6"
Im waiting to take and root clones before i get this thing going.
Height you wish to flood in the tray (H) x Width of the tray (W) x Length of the tray (L). Convert feet into inches. Then multiply the cubic inches by 0.0043 to convert it into gallons.
So for example your 4x4 to flood to 5" would be 48x48x5x0.0043=49.5 gallons
I am setting up a 3x3 flood table and using a homedepot 38gal hdx tote for a res. They have a 55gal one but it has a higher profile.
36x36x6x0.0043=33.4 gal if i want to flood 6"
Im waiting to take and root clones before i get this thing going.
And also add an additional 20% of the total, maybe more to accommodate the pump staying submerged during flooding.
with that equation and 3" flood i came up with right around 30 gallons. If I'm flooding multiple times a day I'm thinking it should be enough to keep the coco moist throughout the pot. I mean.. it should wick right up to the top layer of the coco i would imagine.
Getting the flood table tomorrow, the reservoir should be in tuesday.. Im just about ready to fire up the flower room. The plants in the veg room are more than ready.. Ill need to train them a bit to get them at the right height. My only problem is light proofing the sliding door on the entry of the flower room.. and the sliding door connected to the flower room, thats my veg room. Ordered some light proof fabric and some velcro. Hopefully I can get it done in the next few days here. Ill try and keep this thread updated with the progress I suppose.
Getting the flood table tomorrow, the reservoir should be in tuesday.. Im just about ready to fire up the flower room. The plants in the veg room are more than ready.. Ill need to train them a bit to get them at the right height. My only problem is light proofing the sliding door on the entry of the flower room.. and the sliding door connected to the flower room, thats my veg room. Ordered some light proof fabric and some velcro. Hopefully I can get it done in the next few days here. Ill try and keep this thread updated with the progress I suppose.
Surely. Keep us updated with pics and feel free to ask questions.
So I went into the veg room today and found that there are these little black flies.. i saw about 6 of them. Im pretty sure they are fungus gnats. Whats good to use to stop these things in their tracks?... Im guessing they came from the botanicare aeration formula i bought from my local hydro store.. no wonder they were having a sale on them.. anyways.. any help is appreciated. thanks again.
hmm.. i read that spinosad is good for the larvae.. and consequently enough the same hydro store gave me a peppermint oil based insecticide as a sample... do i dare to try it... -.-.. whats the worst that could happen.. right.. still open to suggestions.
I'm still a bit of a hydro noob, but I recently had to upgrade my res for a 2x4 to 100 liters. Well, it is a 250L tote but I wouldn't try filling it all the way.
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i have captain jacks spinosad, that also wiped out thrips for me in one thorough application. Think ill give it a try and if it doesn't work ill seek out this monterey garden insect spray. Never had a fungus gnat problem before.. but i think id rather have fungus gnats than spider mites.
For gnats i let the top of my soil dry out and then sprinkle diamactous earth. You can also make a gnat trap by filling a bowl with apple cider vinegar and a little dish soap and water and sugar for a more organic approach.
might try the diatomaceous earth, thanks for that. I sprayed the top layer of coco this morning came back tonight theres still a few buzzing around. Hit the top layer again. Definitely seeing a difference in numbers since i first seen them. I noticed the humidity is kind of high in the veg room. Around 80%. Im going to get a dehumidifier to help with that problem. One thing after another doing indoor. Lot of work dialing it in.