Minimum grow/flowering room height

Hey guys, im constructing a new grow room, and i was wondering what i need height-wise:confused:. Since it's indoor, i know the plants wont get that big, so is 5ft tall ok or do i need more?

Thanks in advance kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
5' should be fine. Keep in mind some of that is for the light. If you are primarily growing an indica dominant strain, that should be plenty of room. Like juicebox said, don't veg for too long. 2-4 weeks should be sufficient for most indoor strains.


Well-Known Member
Couple of things to think about

Light source

1000w will give you the best penetration 4 feet, now add the distance from light to plant 12 to 18 inches and then add the light to the ceiling connection 1 foot for a total of 6 1/2 feet

Indica or Sativa? indica short stocky plant, Sativa tall and leggy. If they get to tall top or bend them over.

Working height, hows your back?

I found that 7 foot is great if you can swing it.


fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Anything with Haze in it's name or lineage will probably be a monster and way too big for a short room unless you grow SOG or Scrog. 5' also limits you to low wattage (400W or less) lights that must be air cooled. Taller would be easier. How will you work in a 5' room unless you're a midget?


Well-Known Member
Are you building a room, or just a box/cabinet? What lighting are you planning to use? Etc.

If your grow area is large, and you need to physically get inside it, then taller is better. Similarly, if you have higher wattage lights, then more height is better, to make use of their penetrative ability.

On the flip side, for a cabinet grow with smaller HIDs or CFLs, anything over 5 feet is probably a waste, although a bit of wiggle room is never a bad thing.