Minibud growing from Cola?!?


Well-Known Member
Im at 5 1/2 weeks of flower and noticed little mini buds growing from the main colas on all 3 Blueberry plants.
Is this normal?

I have heard that plants in flower sometimes get a second wind after a few weeks of flower.
Any truth to that......hope so.




Well-Known Member
depends on the strain.. some do more than others... some strains will add another 15 to 20 percent girth in the last week, just when you think they are done... some wont add anything.. once they are done growing they are done growing... no real way to tell until you see if your girls do it or not..


Well-Known Member
belive it or not but this can also be a sign of the plant going bak to veg state because of light leaks,,

yes it happend to me on my first ever effort of a grow couple years bak,,

but im in no way saying thats what yours is doing,,,,,,, can u chech the trichs?


Well-Known Member
I am halfway through week 6.
No light leaks here.
Trichs are still mostly all clear.

Everything sure smells gooood though.
Course it could be the combination of the 3 Blueberry (in pics), 1 white rhino (holy crystals batman!), and an unknown strain (2) from last grow I like to call Whitecastle.........mmmmm.....Yummy!