Miniature grow ideas? Let's have some fun!


Active Member
Lets have some fun, looking for some crazy ideas for a miniature grow? I mean tiny pots like using medicine bottles or a small sandwich tub as a dwc bucket?
Any ideas, or has anyone else done anything simular?
Also training ideas ? Single colar? Mini bush?
Thanks guys


Active Member
Naa that's two big for me I see what your saying about the root mass tho,
I'm trying to achieve a plant no bigger then say 7 inches tall, so you think it's going have to be done through a very short or practically no veg? Or training? Or just not at all

Connoisseurus Rex

Well-Known Member
7" tall in veg maybe. You'd have to run small clones to do that in my opinion. Almost no veg time after it roots. Right to flower. Then it'll stretch out a bit but still be relatively small.


Active Member
7" tall in veg maybe. You'd have to run small clones to do that in my opinion. Almost no veg time after it roots. Right to flower. Then it'll stretch out a bit but still be relatively small.
Yeah thinking about it 7 inch would be a bit of a long shot, I'm going to think this through properly and give it's go at first I posted as a bit of a home was looking for some imaginative ideas

I have 4 plants in a 4 gallon DWC, the res is wide. its a 6 site DWC but that would be way to little of space for SCROG
what size plants do you getlroughly befor preflower? and how long veg?


Well-Known Member
Yeah thinking about it 7 inch would be a bit of a long shot, I'm going to think this through properly and give it's go at first I posted as a bit of a home was looking for some imaginative ideas


what size plants do you getlroughly befor preflower? and how long veg?
I grew these to 12 inch then flipped,it took only 2 and a half weeks.


Staff member
there was a group of people who grew autoflowers in party cups here , was neat to see everyone's results


Staff member
I'm guessing after stretch your talking high twenties? I was thinking miniature like small as possible

Thanks Sunni is there a journal or thread on here I can check out?
There's a thread on it check the search bar like auto flower solo cup
Or auto flower party cup

Can't remember which name it's an older thread tho


Active Member
There's a thread on it check the search bar like auto flower solo cup
Or auto flower party cup

Can't remember which name it's an older thread tho
Ahh I'll have to check that out Thankyou, think I'll be using solo cups to and try training them to get them as small as possible aswell a very short veg, not sure yet it's stilll planning stage
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First DWC grow i ever did i bought three Think different, they all popped, and were all roughly the same size a week on when they were ready for their final homes. I couldn't bring myself to bin a healthy plant, so i cut the lid off a 3L bottle of cheap cider and wedged the 4" cube in there with 100% perlite underneath it and jammed it in the back of the cupboard grow i was running. Grew about a foot tall and yielded 7 grams of nice, crystally bud, dried!


Active Member
I like it man, waist not want not haha
Yeah pop bottles a good choice iv heard there getting popular with autoflower growers because the tap root buries straight down
My plan is to limit size so I guess id use a small coke bottle? I'm starting to think tho that limiting the root mass isn't going to be my main approach to growing the smallest plant I can, training is
Happy Farming man


Active Member
You want it small? Or you're confined to it being small?
I want it small, this is purely just for fun although I think I havnt been clear enough about that lmao, I have plenty of space have 1 tent set up and another ready if needs be
I just wantd some crazy ideas in terms of pots, training, making a miniature grow tent for it to go in ?


Well-Known Member
I want it small, this is purely just for fun although I think I havnt been clear enough about that lmao, I have plenty of space have 1 tent set up and another ready if needs be
I just wantd some crazy ideas in terms of pots, training, making a miniature grow tent for it to go in ?
I've always wanted to bonsai a plant for fun..