Mini split ac unit advice!


Active Member
I was thinking of getting a mini split ac unit for my room but i wanna know from people that have or have had them if they work worth a shit. I had a portable ac unit awhile ago and it sucked ass, nothing but problems. I was looking at a 18,000 btu unit, im running 4 1,000watts in a 10x13' room. So basically are the mini splits worth the price


Well-Known Member
hell yes, they work and they are worth every penny. portables are absolutely the worst, not even a comparison. i would recommend a 24k unit for your lights and room size and make sure to get an inverter style. they are much more efficient, and the compressor will last longer. i have an lg unit in flower room atm, but just ordered an ideal air for new flower room and old unit will be for veg room then. no loss of environment or odor.


That where I got mine , 24000 btu senville with Mitsubishi compresser I love it, works great. It's a game changer actually. You'll wish you got one from the start, I did . I think mine cost about 1650, save the money for the condensate pump and buy one at grainier for 68 bucks. Theirs are 159 and complicated to hook up.