Mini Mortgage Lifter - 5-10 lbs every 65 days??


Well-Known Member
Yea Im with you that it's not the same, but I feel some of the experience will still help in many ways. But I guess I should reword my question: Is .75 grams per watt a reasonable expectation for a first time grow? Using 2 600's and hoping to get ~2lbs, which is roughly .75g per watt
It's WAAAY not the same.:mrgreen: I've been growing outside for over 35 years and had my own nursery. Indoors was a whole 'nother ball of wax. shizz is really right on the money with the outside vs inside.

The other experience DOES help, but there is still one fuck of a learning curve.:o

If you don't mess up too much, .5g per watt is more realistic for a first grow. After a couple of grows when you're more dialed in, .75 or even 1.0 is likely.



Ok thanks for all the great advice. I think I'm going to go with the 2 600w ebb & flow set up ( found same set up at another store nearby for much cheaper). Now I just need to pick a strain. I prefer sativa to indica, but I have heard indicas are better for first time grows. The 3 strains I'm looking at are:

White Widow
Power Plant
The Ultimate

Also, would scrog be too much to take on in a first time grow?
Not sure if I should start a new thread with these questions, as I've gotten Waaay off topic. Not too familiar with forum etiquette