Hello everybody, total noob to growing here, just got my medi card in AZ and started a little project based out of this mini fridge. I would like to open the floor to any suggestions, big or small, as i really have no idea what i am doing. these are clones (blue nightmare and Pre9 from the clinics. A couple weeks old. I have them under 4-27watt daylight CFL bulbs, and just stuck them in miracle grow soil. I put up the fridge tray to act like a ScROG set up. Is this a decent set up? I am going to start a large tent grow soon i just wanted to get a small project under my belt first. Also, this is an odd fridge. There are 3 fans total on the back. Two below that silver plate and one leading into the actual fridge. Just by looking at the wires could anyone tell if i could get 1 or all of these fans working again by splicing to phone chargers? Thanks again everyone, and for welcoming me here!
I think the fridge is a little too short :S your going to get a very small yield maybe 3-15 grams.(15g if your lucky anything over is a miracle). Anyways good luck
ya thats real tight i would start to lst them soon. I would tie them down somehow and fill up that lil grate at least. Might benefit from another finer screen when they bud to keep them off the light.