Mini Fridge Grow #2


Active Member
U got that shit right. Ive got 1 of every light know to man. Cant use half of them, without my A/C, unless its winter
Ha ha, well luckily this is only a 70 watter, so once the ballast is out of the box, temp should drop a fair amount. In the process of making it a remote ballast right now. Had to stop though because my roommates (parents) came home early.


Active Member
I'd post some current pics, but it looks like the photo issue from the server move hasn't been resolved quite yet.


Active Member
Can I run a MH bulb on a MV ballast?

This may be a really dumb question, but I managed to get my hands on a 100w Murcury Vapor home security light for like $5 at Goodwill, and I was wondering if I could just run a MH bulb in that fixture, or I would I need to do something special to get that to work for me? I'm tempted to just run the MV bulb that it came with, the whole thing is brand new, but from what I understand, MV is pretty outdated technology. I plan to use this setup for vegging only, I have an HPS for flowering.​


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, I was wondering what the fuckin deal was.. I was looking for germed seeds and sprouts and see huge nugs of purp and vegging trees.. and a dog, what the hell.. I thought I was seriously tripping... Everyone was agreeing with you about the pictures, and my brain was melting..


Active Member
Okay, I've got myself a 100w Mercury Vapor light and ballast, and I just picked up a funky cabinet from Goodwill. Now I'm all set to have two grow boxes running, one veg and one flower. Sweet!


Active Member

Well, I've gone ahead and germed a few more seeds, five came out of the ground. I've got my HPS bulb installed in my flower box now, and I'm currently working on getting my veg box up and running. That ugly box you see will soon be my veg box, and it will have a 100w MH bulb in it.


Active Member
Scribed! BTW, did you get that MV ballast to run an MH bulb, if so, did u need any special parts?

I believe that the only requirement is that they are the same wattage. MV and MH are essentially the same concept. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but I have a pretty good feeling it will work.


Well-Known Member
Let's hope it works! MV ballasts are relatively cheap compared to an MH or HPS ballast! Let us know how it turns out!



Active Member
yeah, even if it doesn't, I can still run MV, not nearly as good though. I'd probably be better off running CFLs if it came to that, I'm pretty handy with wiring now, so it shouldn't be to tough wire it up with CFLs if need be. I probably won't know for till after thursday because that is when I'll have time to buy all of the shit I need. Need to get about 15' of 16 gage wire, a junction box, and an MH bulb so I can wire this bitch up. I can't wait till next week though, because then I can finally start taking some clones and getting some ladies flowering, I've just got to get my veg box up and running.

Pro tip, 80mm case fans are 10 for $10 on, its a killer deal.

Also, I have learned that it isn't worth it to mess with clamp lights for wiring up lighting. It make more sense, and it is cheaper to buy plastic light sockets and wire the thing up yourself. As a rule of thumb it won't work if you do it wrong, so the only risk is doing it right and doing a shitty job. Just make sure your wiring is solid and it is a fucking cake walk compared to organizing the cables from 4-6 clamp lights in a tiny space.


Active Member
Oh, also, I'm going to try running UVb lights during late flowering this time around, I've heard good things about it boosting trich production, so I say why not experiment?


Active Member
have a question, could u help me wire up a mini fridge i have? im curious to how you have yours set up!
Sure man, but you'll have to be more specific, what are you having trouble with? Basically the way I have mine set up is I cut two holes in the back for two 80mm case fans. Then I installed a 70 watt HPS that I converted from a home security light. I took out all of the refrigerator guts so it has no cooling abliities. In retrospect, I should have kept these components though.


Well-Known Member
lol WTF! thats weird, I have never seen anything like im interested!!! let the research begin!!


Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT! YOU GOT A FUCKIN' TRIPLOID! (if i'm not mistaken, thats what it's called?) but that is super rare! LUCKY! haha lol
