Mini-Fridge Brainstorm


Active Member
Excuse my first post being a question but I've been researching for a while.

I've got a mini-fridge that measures 29x16x14 on the inside. I'm brainstorming the general design with the intake and exhaust and what not.

From what I've gathered, it's not going to be possible to use the fridge's cooling system to help. I live in Las Vegas so I need a way to keep the inside reasonable.

I'm not real familiar with growing so I'm not sure what I should be focusing on. I know I need an intake and an exhaust fan.

I was thinking if there would be a way to cool the air before entering the fridge. There has to be a way to draw the air through a duct over a cooling medium keeping the inside around the mid-80s (if even possible).

I'm also thinking about adding a diy charcoal filter after the exhaust fan to help with the smell.

The compressor and all fridge related stuff will likely go so I'm thinking of using some standard ducting to keep the outside light from getting in through the vents. What do you guys think I should be looking at by way of fans? Less than 4 cubic feet means that I shouldn't need very powerful fans. I used an airflow calculator and it said a 40cfm fan could change the air upwards of 600 times an hour

I'd like to hear opinions on the lights. I'm assuming CFLs are the only lights I could use while keeping the temperatures reasonable but I'm not real sure. I'm not opposed at all to running a metal halide or HPS system.

What do you guys think is the best setup for say a $200 budget right now.

So that's what I'm thinking thus far. What would you guys do for the lighting and fans?



Active Member
What kind of temperature differences are we talking between a 250W MH and say 6 85W CFLs?


hmm thats pretty hard bro because it gonna cost say more than $200 probly but i would say get some more money or use a differnt set up :o