mini flowering plant (pics)


Well-Known Member
when you transplanted did you transplant to more miracle grow soil? That's your problem, the tome release nutrients, that's always been your problem get some promix or some soil with no nutes and start over!


Well-Known Member
i know it should, its only 10-5-5,
i see more burning on the leaves, will the plant stop burning when the soil drys up? i dont want it to burn the buds because its getting really close. if its going to keep burning should i just chop it down and smoke whatever is in there. will it get me high?


Well-Known Member
i know it's hard, but you really need to be patient. plants need time to respond. It's not going to get better within one day of trying to help her out.


Well-Known Member
your right, its only been one day, today is the second day, the pot soil is still pretty moist, burning looks the same as yesterday, maybe a bit more not very sure. but have you ever chopped and smoked premature buds 40 days in? how is it?


Well-Known Member
ok now what if the crystally bud leaves tips are turning yellow. can the nutes burn the bud and the hairs as well? my plant is in the shade most of the time, should i put it in the sun so the soil can dry and will that stop it from burning nutes?


Well-Known Member
Yes, give your plant sun. I don't remember waht color your pot is, but you might put it in a secondary pot or otherwise shield the pot from the sun so that your roots don't cook.


Well-Known Member
ok another question, the bottom bud site hairs are turning kinda dark, or almost blackish and there is barely a small bud on it. does that mean its dying? my pot is dark orange, you can see it on the previous pages!


Well-Known Member
If it's getting over 90, I would wrap the pot in white paper or otherwise shield it from the sun so that the foliage still gets sun.

Hairs turn from white to orange as the bud matures. If it doesn't recover, all you're doing now is drying bud, so don't worry about whether to harvest now or not. You're doing the right thing.


Well-Known Member
ok here are some pics i ust took right now....

day 40

here is the whole plant, as you can see it looks fat but its mainly leaves not buds....

here is the middle part, the droopy leaves :confused:

the top, the leaves are all burnt!

but i have faith for this plant:peace:


Well-Known Member
here is some pics of it now, see how i lost most of my leaves?
what do you think is going to happen?

what's the news? Well it looks like she is in need of Nitrogen. She is already in flower,so I would just leave her be and just water as usual. By the short node set she seems to be Indica strain. I found out that Indicas use a lot of Nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
i flushed the plant the day before yesterday and it burned the crap out of the tops leaves, and most of the inner leaves have burnt tips as you can see.. so i guess its being over fed, so im not planing to give it any nutes any time
soon. im not watering yet the soil is still very moist and i have it growing in the shade so its not evaporating.but its because its 101'

i learned my lesson about mg grow soil or aany nuted soil. where can you buy soiless mix at a local store? not walmart, they only carry mg.. what about lows, home depot?? any brands?
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Well-Known Member
i flushed the plant the day before yesterday and it burned the crap out of the tops leaves, and most of the inner leaves have burnt tips as you can see.. so i guess its being over fed, so im not planing to give it any nutes any time
soon. im not watering yet the soil is still very moist and i have it growing in the shade so its not evaporating.but its because its 101'

i learned my lesson about mg grow soil or aany nuted soil. where can you buy soiless mix at a local store? not walmart, they only carry mg.. what about lows, home depot?? any brands?
Well go to Homedepot and ask for Supersoil or Hyponex Organic soils. These are dark and powdery, plus they are nute free. It's better soil because you can build it. I use Supersoil mix,Perlite,Bonemeal,Bloodmeal,and a layer of constuction type gray rocks to add drainage and aeration to the soil,when I grow in pots.


Well-Known Member
i've used MG organic before with no problems. i know others who use MG soil with no problems. it's only when you add nutes that you run into trouble, so you have to take it light.

it is not the flush that burned anything. plants just take a while to respond, especially in soil. i think she'll green up and get better. i see relatively healthy growth on there, so keep hope.


Well-Known Member
i havent added any nutes at all.
so its probably just the roots growing into the new soil with the new nutes.
i woke up this morning and the soil is still pretty wet, im suprised! im letting her chill in the shade.

that said ill probably just use the mg organic on my indoor master kush clones and probably only use bloom nutes when i flower them, i trust you


Well-Known Member
with MG organic, i can't remember when i started nutes, but it's at least good for a few weeks.

you haven't fed at all? yikes. it must have had its roots cooked in the sun.

the nice part about deficiency is that it's very easy to spot and correct. the leaves get a bit light, so you add some nitrogen. it's overfeeding that is really tough to correct.


Well-Known Member
i havent added any nutes at all.
so its probably just the roots growing into the new soil with the new nutes.
i woke up this morning and the soil is still pretty wet, im suprised! im letting her chill in the shade.

that said ill probably just use the mg organic on my indoor master kush clones and probably only use bloom nutes when i flower them, i trust you
Why risk it??! Buy some soil with no nutes to be on the safe side. I make my own soiless mix with equal parts perlite, peat moss (both not miracle grow), and mushroom compost. Along with 1 tablespoon of dolomite lime per gallon of mix and I haven't had any issues as of right now. I use botanicare pureblend and my plants look perfect! You are growing some really good strains, shouldn't you treat them as such?
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Well-Known Member
its just a bagseed, it looked beautiful before it started burning up...
do you find all these different compounds at home depot?
i dont wanna go drivin around for each thing gas is up there


Well-Known Member
The premier peat moss and the mushroom compost and dolomite lime I get at lowes and the schultz perlite I get at walmart. If you want to grow some quality herb you can't be too cheap. It sounds like you are setting yourself up for failure because of your frugality!